Makowsky Friends

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Grand Slam Event

The reunion came , the reunion went...Priceless...
Needless to say I'm sure you'll agree that this was probably one of the Greatest
affair/party/events that we've ever been part of. There was so much excitement, love,frienship and an overall atmosphere of serenity being with all of you.

This 'Family' gathering was not just the culmination of much work & planning, but rather the platform for lifetime friends to continue and florish. This weekend convinced me of this as I'm sure it did many others.

So , as the photos pour in , my face still hurts from smiling so much. Be on the lookout for new picture postings and other new goodies to follow.


  • At 7/18/2006 10:27 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    A Weekend to Remember...

    Let me preface my remarks by stating I’m now aware we have an English Professor in fellow junior Makowskyite, Dr. Steven Streeter, critiquing my work. I freely admit that I do not know the first thing between a conjunctive verb and a dangling participle. That's what we have Steve for!

    As Rodney Dangerfield once said in “Back to School,” as long you grade me A, B or C, it really doesn’t matter as long as I’m in the top 3.

    Be forewarned to take a double dose of NO-DOZ before you start reading this! It’s my never ending story.

    Where to begin? Without a doubt, this was a most memorable weekend. For many, we thought going backward in time was only possible on Star Trek?

    And here we were, transported back into another lifetime in a galaxy far, far, away. Don’t beam us back just yet Scotty as we’re having too much fun!

    And, we’re all eternally grateful to the genius team of Rob, Larry, Mitch, Judy & Steve for their tireless effort in leaving no stone unturned. Gene Roddenberry and Steven Spielberg couldn’t hold a candle to you guys!

    Personally, when I walked through the hotel door I wondered if you'd even recognize me. My fears were for naught as I never even had the opportunity to check in.

    As I walked into the lobby, the first person to greet me was my battery mate (catcher), and special friend, Jackie Silverman.

    As I looked into his eyes, the years magically melted away as Jackie appeared as he did 45 years ago. Jackie and his lovely wife Ronnie were just wonderful. Your Dad was a special person and I can see that part of him still resides inside of you Jackie. Thanks for sharing that special present he gave you that proudly adorns your neck.

    To be perfectly honest, I couldn’t help but think that somehow, I was in the middle of an old black and white episode of the Twilight Zone called “Kick the Can.”

    Within seconds, I was surrounded by Larry Brown, Laurie & Lenny Schleifer, Mitch Kupfer, Judy & Steve Kiviat among other old friends. I did a pretty good job of disguising and holding back the tears. I'm sure that I wasn't alone in this feeling.

    Someone handed me a tee shirt created and designed by the wonderful, Larry Brown. It read "Hutt's 1962 Original Senior Boys". What a touch of class from a class guy.

    And Larry, you once said you hated Arts & Crafts. How ironic that the creative talent was in you way back then. Back in '62, I sent a spoiled kid home on his very first day of camp. Later that day Larry returned a man, and apologized.

    I am proud to say that from that humble beginning all of us loved you because of your zest for life and loyalty. Once again your love for your friends was on display for all to see.

    The moment was magical as we were whisked away to another time and place. The press descended upon us with flashbulbs popping as many of you also took photographs of MY BOYS wearing our jerseys. The feeling was absolutely surreal as I felt so proud.

    In the back of my mind, I had always wondered if I had been a good counselor. I always tried my best to instinctively convey and instill a feeling of camaraderie, combined with a strong work ethic, with respect and love into each of my campers. My question was forever answered on Saturday when I walked through that hotel lobby.

    As many know, I went from Makowsky’s Color War to proudly serving our country during the Viet Nam conflict back in 1966. If we had to fight today, I would be proud and honored to lead you special young men into battle as you still have each others back and would never run.

    With my emotions already raw, you guys still had another surprise in store for me.

    Every teenage boy has a crush on his special dream girl, a first love always to be remembered. And for me at the tender age of 16, it was a toss-up between Ann Margaret of Bye-Bye Birdie fame, or Makowsky’s own reigning Princess Phyllis? Yes, the same Zeke who vanquished me many times as the opposing General in Color War.

    Each summer the “Welcome to Makowsky’s Cottage Colony” signified that this was the year I would tell Phyllis how I truly felt. But each Labor Day, I sadly watched the sign fade in the rear view mirror.

    And with it, the realization that yet another season had passed without expressing my true feelings. I had such a crush on you.

    You see I was guilty of the three S's. “Shy, Sensitive, & Stupid.”

    Well, LOL, I had asked Steve & Judy many times leading up to the reunion, if Phyllis was coming? Both my fine feathered friends told me "NO" adding that it was too much of a trip from her home in Florida. I hid my disappointment well, or so I thought?

    Lo and behold, guess who sits down next to me in the lobby? None other than the still vivacious my gorgeous Phyllis.

    All of a sudden I felt like 16 again and still haven’t any clue as to what I said? But I'm certain the words I had been meaning to say for a lifetime eluded me – yet again. There was so much to say, but after all, I was sixteen again as were we all.

    Phyllis got up to go check in and, all of sudden, I was surrounded by my boys. All you little wise guys knew she was coming, but decided to keep it a secret.

    And collectively these devious little duckling matchmaker’s all said out loud, "Bobby isn't Phyllis still beautiful?"

    And the answer to your very leading question is a resounding, "YES".

    When G-d created woman, he had Phyllis in mind. Zeke, I don't mean to embarrass you, but you're still the most talented beautiful woman, not to mention, still incredibly sexy.

    You’re so beloved by your Senior Girls who then surrounded her. I watched from afar while privately singing the words to the song, “When will I get you alone?”

    Lenny Schleifer, our now famous CEO still has that "Little Nathan Detroit Kid" inside of him. With his wife Harriet sitting next to him, he asked me if we could play softball at Makowsky's.

    Lenny did you see that beautiful gal sitting next to you? As your counselor, I know I’m slow, but we really need to talk?

    And wouldn’t you know it, just like the old elusive “Chesty the carp” at the bottom of the Makowsky lake, sitting there, as if by magic in the hotel lobby, was legendary "Ole" Dave Baskin.

    Dave was "Ole" Dave Baskin when I was a boy. He always played “for the love of game”, the way it was meant to be played, tough and hard.

    Back then, whenever Dave got a base hit, like always, he would say, "Kid, run for me". I did so with pleasure.

    I told Lenny, with a twinkle in my eye, that I would be glad to play, but only if '"Young" Dave would now run for me. Dave, and all of us, got a good laugh out of that.

    Dave, G-d Bless you! We all watched and learned from the example you set. You still look the same today and should be managing these “Prima Donna” ballplayers. Dave and Don Zimmer were cut from the same cloth as we would love to see you kick some ass.

    And then the boys tried to give Mitchell Kupfer the business in saying that he never hit a home run into the right field woods. I emphatically will testify that Mitch did indeed park a few long drives. Mitch is such a gentlemen and a class person.

    At dinner, I got to visit with many of you. As each gave your speech, I must admit there were butterflies as I worried as if you were still my campers.

    But to your credit, you all came through with flying colors. I guess those communication skill courses I taught you guys down at the ball field came in handy?

    I spent time with Laurie, our resident practicing psychologist in Maryland. It was so great seeing him again.

    When I asked how he chose his profession he said it was very easy. You see, Laurie was one of “Hutt’s Nuts” who experienced life at Makowsky’s.

    Hanging out with his brother Lenny, Hy, and the rest of us Looney Tunes made it a natural. After us, how hard could it be working with normal people?

    And then the guest of honor, “Mr. Holland” himself, I mean Hy Ozer, gave his speech.

    Judy his gorgeous wife of 50 years, told me that before the Blog, Hy had no idea how many of his camper's he had touched.

    And I’m not referring to “Michael Jackson” type touches if you get my drift!

    By the reaction of the crowd Hy’s now aware of the special place we hold for him in our hearts.

    The evening went by way too fast. I must admit that I had some fun with the young Alison. She came over to reminisce.

    I had a grand time listening until she told me to give my regards to Mitchell's family. At that point, I had to say I wasn't Mitchell.

    I'm a real life “Larry David” in that I'm always apologizing to someone for something I did.

    And Alison, I don’t think you will ever forget me, now will you? I’m sorry I put you on, but you were too beautiful to tell you I wasn’t who you thought I was.

    You would have fit right in with our Class of ‘62. I too enjoyed meeting you and now consider you among my many Makowsky friends.

    And then it was my honor to receive the very first Makowsky’s Blogger’s Award. Handing me a microphone or a pen is akin to giving a killer a loaded gun.

    Anyway, it was my pleasure to permanently retire the Makowsky’s Lifetime Achievement in Arts & Crafts Award to by dear friend, none other than, Steven E. Kiviat.

    His inscription reads in part that …”Without his devoted tireless effort in making the floats for our Color War teams, that he personally robbed from Milton’s chicken coop, it wouldn’t have been possible for me to lose each and every Color War!”

    Jubilation T. Cornpone of Lil Abner fame couldn’t hold a candle to my Stevie.

    And George, you didn't get it by me, did you?

    Alan Makowsky posing as George Constanza pretended he was “George.” I knew it was him the handsome dead ringer for his late great father Milton.

    I apologized to Alan for pushing him down the hill (near the pool) when he didn’t listen to me on a clue in Treasure Hunt many years ago.

    He said he had forgotten about the incident, but now that I reminded him, he was going out to his car to get his gun. We both laughed out loud.

    We all couldn't believe that Freda at the young age of 91 was still able to cut a rug on the dance floor, but that she did.

    And Ralph let us all know that Freda was just a kid as he’s 92 and the oldest living Makowskyite.

    Freda & Milton thank you for allowing us into your beautiful playground for all those very many special years.

    And the next day, Alan & Pat Makowsky honored us with a wonderful luncheon on the lush green Makowsky lawn.

    I had a chance to visit my old Bungalow and meet the nice family who lives there now. They too were curious about our reunion.

    I explained the special memories Makowsky’s held for all of us nearly 50 years ago. I wished for them to enjoy the same wonderful times we all had.

    And Bruce Fine, you receive a special award for the very best line of the day.

    Bruce said, “We would all still be at Makowsky’s if the ONE screen (on the side of the Casino) had been updated into a multiplex theater for Friday night.”

    By the way, would somebody please return Hy's lawn chair as its still missing.

    And finally, I truly do apologize for leaving without saying goodbye but I simply hate grand exits. I had some unfinished business down at the lake.

    I dedicated a prayer to my late brother, Gary, and my father.

    Thank you all for one of the best weekends of my life.

    So I will end this saga of my epic Makowsky’s Color War & Peace by saying, until we all meet again. To be continued…

    With much love to all of you,


  • At 7/19/2006 12:39 AM , Blogger Ira L said...

    It was amazing, after all these years, that I was still able to recognize so many of you. I might not have been able to place a name to all of the faces, but it will be a great memory that can be added to all the others, that will last a lifetime, that were expirenced at Makowsky's! I am sure that my grandfather, Dad & all other family & friends that are no longer with us were smiling down on us! I am sorry I was not able to say goodbye to you all.... But for those that wish to keep in touch, my e-mail is listed on this wonderful blog. KUDOS to Rob, Mitch, Judy & Steve & everyone else for making this occasion possible.

  • At 7/19/2006 7:12 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    I can't even begin to express my feelings into words as this was one of the most rewarding moments in my life that I have ever had the pleasure to experience.

    As each one of you reunioners walked into the lobby of the hotel, the years apart seemed like we all saw one another just the other day and time seemed to stand still.

    My sister, Nona tells me that when Bruce Fine walked into the lobby after playing a round of golf w/ Lenny, Ken, & Roy, he simply said, "Hi Nona, how ya doin?" She said in amazement...I haven't seen him in 30 years and it's like he just passed me on lawn by the luncheonnette.

    I have to relate this story as there were only a few people who actually witnessed the incident. As we are in the lobby waiting to get checked into our rooms...A woman of about 65 starts approaching Larry Brown with her arms wide open, gushing with excitement..."It's so good to see you"...Larry, who did not want to admit he had no clue as to who this woman was..said as he gave her a warm embrace, "It's great to see you too"....She then said you here for the "so & so party, right?" Larry said "No, but it was nice to meet you anyway" She said, "thats too bad...but I've got a room." There were about 6 of us falling on the floor with laughter.

    The whole weekend went way too fast and I wish we all could have spent much more time together. But there is something about these childhood friendships that seem to endure the passage of time. I'll say this once again, as I said this before. The line from the movie Stand By Me.

    "I never had any friends like the ones I had when I was twelve...Jesus, does anyone?"

  • At 7/19/2006 9:13 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    I've just been handed a note that your comments from this weekend must be limited to 100,000,000 words or less.

    Whew! Did I get in under the limit?

    And thanks Susie as I'm only warming up? Did any of you hear the fat lady sing?


  • At 7/19/2006 2:52 PM , Blogger augie said...

    Special Kudus to Jeffrey Keller. Of our crew he was downright scary with all the stories he had. My brother Sid had an awesome time and coming in from Colorado still can't believe who so many people from the NYC area couldn't at least come up for the day on sunday. They really blew a special weekend that can NEVER truly be duplicated. that being said i do hope we all find ways to get some time off our busy personal lifes for more fulfilling moments with a huge crew of great people who most of truly couldn't have appreciated how lucky we were to grow up with. My brother was going over the chain of events that lead to our going to makowskys and i finally realized why i can be long winded. Our first bungalow was the....Hutt#21 bungalow. Bobby rubbed off on me. All these years I didn't know who to blame. I must have tried hard to block out ever being in the Hutt bungalow. help I can't stop blogging it's like a pestering growing sore. HELP!!!!! All kidding aside great to see my old crew and just as great gettting acquanted with people less in my sphere then. Amazing,truly. Hope yo connect with lots of you soon.

  • At 7/19/2006 3:49 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    I'm saying to myself it's not over, it's just beginning.
    so with that said, what a weekend of fun and excitement.So many people with so many stories,i think i had a smile on my face all day and night.We did something special or even magical.Seeing my good fiends "Hutts senior boys", once again we all started where we left off 40 years ago.As Jackie Silverman said it was like a time machine and all we did was put in 1962 and puff there we were.Seeing all my campers Glenn Fleiss, Mitchel Fleiss, Andrew Banarer, Elliot Krammer, Kenny Goorin,Jeff Keller,Michael Weinshenker,Steven Augen,and Donny Keller makes it even more special.You guys look great and turned out to be special men who i call my freinds.Everyone keep in touch and don't let time pass like it did before.Bobby Hutt, what can i say but thanks for the memories.....

  • At 7/19/2006 4:54 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Larry it is I who must say thank you. You are very special in more ways than one.

    G-d Bless You.


  • At 7/20/2006 10:23 AM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    It's almost been a week since the reunion and it seems like it was yesterday. The weekend is still so fresh in my mind.
    When I saw everyone again it really did seem like it was only yesterday that I last saw you all.

    When Judy and I left the colony last Sunday it was an emotional time for me. I felt as though I was leaving Makowskys at the end of the summer and would miss my friends until next summer. (At least I have a car now and can visit them whenever I want to!!!)

    Working with Mitch, Larry and Rob was a terrific experience. I made me appreciate them even more and I'm glad we are back together again. Ask any of us if we would do all of this work again and I'm sure we would do it in a heartbeat.

    The looks on everyones faces at the reunion were priceless. It made everything worthwhile. Glad you had a good time.

    Memories are like fine wine.....they just get better with age. I'm sure most of us can't remember what memories are accurate, which ones are a little mixed up, and which ones are mostly all made up, but who cares.

    Bobby Hutt has been on my case since I first told him about the blog. It's true that he gave me the "Arts and Crafts" award the first year he was my counselor. He didn't mention that in 1964 my last year as a camper, he gave me the "All Around Camper" award and that this meant everything to me. Bobby's been like a brother to me and having him back in my life just added the cherry to the whole thing.

    I hadn't seen or spoken to my old friends Kenny Gold in 30 years, Flash (Zeke..David?)I hadn't seen in 20 years. I thought of them often but I just don't know where the time went. Welcome back guys!

    As everyone was coming in to the hotel I was on the lookout for Jackie Silverman but some skinny guy showed up instead. Jackie and!

    Judy and I hadn't seen Sharon Levine Richman and her husband Elliot since their kids were born. We've really misssed you guys too. See you soon.

    Laurie Schliefer and Andrea I was fortunate to speak to and see over the years. You guys look great.

    (hey little sister, everyone is talking about how great you look)

    I can do this forever but I guess I should stop for now. Thanks to everyone for attending and maybe we will do this again on the
    "Love Boat"

    Love to you all.

  • At 7/20/2006 2:23 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Hy your words were most eloquent as were everyone who has posted.

    And Hy forget to say from the General Store...

    (Hy blowing into the microphone as he did for those many years.) Testing 1 2 3 Testing 1 2 3...

    Attention all campers and all couselors, please keep posting your thoughts as we don't want to stop reading.

    Spelling, grammar, and punctuation do not count. This is not a Color War so no one loses - except for Bobby. We want to hear from everyone.


  • At 7/24/2006 5:39 PM , Blogger augie said...

    More major Kudos to Rob Shilling. Your web abilities are great for a grizzled old fart!Love all the pamela anderson and carmen electra photos . How'd you get them to pose with you?
    seriously great way to send out all the reunion photos.
    hey Roy is it true your middle name is Mulligan?

  • At 7/25/2006 5:18 PM , Blogger alison said...

    Hi all,
    Just had to comment because I was sad today. I loved my goody bag so much that I've been using that pink bag to carry my students'papers back and forth to work. (Yes, I lost my mind this year and decided to teach summer school in East New York.) Well, my bag broke today. I consoled myself with the thought that at least I have my lanyard, and if I can just figure out how to start that goddamn cobra I can at least make myself a sturdy keychain.

  • At 7/25/2006 9:36 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    There must be one or two lanyard experts out there that remembers the cobra. I can still do many though. My Makowsky's lanyard prowess came in handy when I was a Cub Scout leader yrs ago. Kids still love it , older kids like us too.

    Thanks Augie , Great seeing you.
    look for additions.

  • At 7/27/2006 10:04 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    'Jackster' thoughts too . I haven't crashed this hard in a long time. Ellen is ...well, you can imagine,

    Anyway, If you haven't sent me your photos yet or haven't received a Snapfish invite to see the photoalbum,
    DO IT ..

    So tell me have you guys read through the Yearbook ? Judy has made updates , If you haven't received them (email) let us know.

  • At 8/02/2006 5:46 PM , Blogger alison said...

    Jodi, you're the best. Thanks!!!


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