Makowsky Friends

Monday, August 28, 2006

Let's Hear it

OK Folks , as your Blogmaster and fellow Makowskys Maniac , I'm seeking new and interesting things for the Blog and other related stuff. It would be very useful to get your feedback , comments and suggestions for present and future efforts that continue to unify us and provide an enjoyable conduit as well With that said , I know everyone here has an opinion and not afraid to express them...ha , so let us know what you think. Comment on the Blog or Email if you prefer. Sorry , but we can't have chinese checkers, lanyard or copper enameling.


  • At 8/28/2006 10:38 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    You know....maybe we could discuss the Middle East, or who to vote for in an election, or how to fight disease!!!

    As for me, the highlight of my day is figuring what to put on a pizza!

  • At 8/29/2006 8:37 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Steve is absolutely correct as we should be talking about the important current events of the day.

    To get things rolling, here's MY topic of the day. No we're not going to talk about events in the middle East. And NO we're not going to talk about "W" and his popularity rating.

    Senior Boys did we ever sit at my bungalow and talk about Nikita Krushev banging his shoe on the podium? Of course not!

    We only talked about the important things of the day such as who was the better player Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris or the waste, Bobby Kaplan?

    Stevie don't be growing old on us with your middle East BS. Your Pizza sounds better!

    So the question for today boys and girls is how do you think the NY Jets will do this season?

    Who do you think will win the starting quarterback job for the Green Slime not that it really matters?

    Will it be Chad Pennington, he of the ten yard pass while wearing a sling, or one of the other three stiffs currently on the roster?

    My suggestion to management is that they should consider bringing back Joe Namath? He thinks Eric Mumgini the boy genius coach is really cute. His arm at 70 is still stronger than Chad's. By the way what kind of a macho name is Chad for a QB anyway?

    Will the featured running back be Derrick Blaylock, Kevin "Adolph" Barlow, or the gimpy Hall of Famer, Curtis Martin?

    My choice is perhaps they should trot out old number forty-one, Grandpa, Matt Snell? He couldn't be any worse than this assortment of stiffs, and I mean that literally.

    Let's see they have no QB or RB heading into the season but with a high draft choice they took a lineman instead of trading up for a very available Reggie Bush or Matt Leinart? Just brilliant if you ask me.

    The way this team's currently situated it really doesn't matter if they dig up the ghost of Weeb Ewbank because even Fireman Ed can't truly believe his own Bull Shit with his J-E-T-S chant.

    My prediction for 2006 is that the JETS go for the imperfect season with a record of 0 - 16.

    Perhaps all the JET games should be televised AKA "Heidi" style?

    In case you're too young to remember the 1968 season also saw the Jets involved in one of the most notorious incidents in television history, an incident that would change the way television networks carried sporting events for decades to come.

    On November 17, 1968, just before 7pm Eastern time, the Jets scored late to take a 32–29 lead over the Oakland Raiders with only 1:05 left. NBC then cut to a commercial, and then showed the movie Heidi.

    Outraged fans bombarded NBC headquarters in New York with phone calls demanding the game be restored; so many phone calls were made that they eventually knocked out the NBC switchboard, but the movie started on schedule.

    Fans' ire was further fueled when they discovered that NBC's cutting away from the game denied them from seeing live a dramatic finish.

    On the Raiders' second play from scrimmage on the next drive, Daryle Lamonica threw a 46-yard touchdown pass to Charlie Smith, giving the Raiders a 36–32 lead.

    On the ensuing kickoff, Earl Christy of the Jets fumbled at the 10 yard line, which the Raiders' Preston Ridlehuber converted into another touchdown, ultimately giving the Raiders a 43–32 victory.

    There was no ESPN back then. Much of the country learned of this final outcome only via a bottom-of-screen crawl line shown during the movie.

    This incident, dubbed the Heidi Game, resulted in most television networks and sports leagues amending their television policies to ensure that games in progress would be broadcast to their conclusion, no matter what, even if it meant delaying or canceling the rest of the network's lineup, and even if the game's outcome seemed assured.

    Even worse, our little Stevie Kiviat went to his bookie to collect his winnings only to find out that the JETS had lost by 11 points. Stevie was getting 8 1/2 and said it was impossible as he loved watching Heidi yodel her way along the swiss Alps with the Jets up by 3 with only a minute left in the game.

    When Stevie found out that the JETS had actually lost, instead of paying the hundred bucks he had lost, he went into hiding in the witness protection program in Atlanta or perhaps, Boston or the Swiss Alps. Stevie always did like yodeling.

    He then switched his allegience from the sadsack NY JETS to the Washington Redskins another bunch of losers if ever there was one.

    And finally boys and girls for you die-hard JET fans, do you know what J-E-T-S chant of Fireman Ed's actually stands for?

    Just End The Season!

  • At 8/29/2006 1:20 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    To Bob...
    I feel for you regarding your "J-e-t-s Jets Jets Jets!" But I have bigger fish to fry this season...because as most of you know I root for Big Blue and it could be a very good season for them if they stay healthy ( that's is always a big "if" in football ) C'mon Bob you already live in Jersey it's time to root for
    the "G-Men" We will welcome you with open arms.

    As much as I love you, and you know that I do...I'm not going to stand here have you use this forum to stir up for any sympathy for Big Papi. I do sincerely hope he is OK...but he has killed my team too many times in the past...let him have a couple of weeks off...he deserves it. By the way, he probably started to feel under the weather after that 5 game sweep my Yankees put on the BoSox. Instead of the "Boston Massacre II", I think we should call it "Slaughterhouse 5"

    Just name the place....

  • At 8/29/2006 5:46 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Well Well , Hutt's Senior Boys are almost All seniors . When that happens what do you call yourselves 'Hutt's senior senors' Ay Carramba

  • At 8/29/2006 5:46 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Mitch I am a Big Blue fan. My oldest son is a died in the wool Miami Dolphin fan who hates the Green Slime. My other son is a Dallas Cowboy fan.

    Where did I go wrong raising these two ungrateful children? Now I know why tigers eat their young. Mitch, I live and die with the G-Men and yes this might be their year.

    As for the Green Slime Just End The Season Now as this will be an embarrassment.

    As for Judy and Papi's heart problem, we all pray he's okay. As for the Red Sox Nation after last weekend when the Yankees took the broom to them they have NO MORE HEART. The stake went right through!

    And Mindy, because you had to watch Heidi, Stevie had to go on the lam into the witness protection program to avoid paying his bookie. He left the City he loved and ran away to Atlanta and now Boston. Stevie, I think the bookie died so you can come home again.

    And Jodi, I would be happy to do a sports recap show as well as advice to the lovelorn. My advice is just do the opposite as I have done and you will be fine! LOL

    As for next year how about we meet in Florida at Hy's house? It would be great to meet in the winter in the nice sunny south. If that's not agreeable I vote for Italy. Now that's amore!

    Over and Out,


  • At 8/29/2006 10:35 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Sports Banter ? I hadn't noticed ...hhhmmm
    Reunion plans are great but not at least for a while. In the meantime , what can we do to drive us to the Blog and make it more interactive? Sorry guys not quite Fantasy baseball , more like Fantasy island , only our Island was a on a small stretch of a mountainside called a 'Colony'.
    I haven't received any new photos from anyone for a while. Remember Snapfish , if you haven't tried it yet contact me I'll send you a personal invite.
    Anyway , after a few days I'll post a few ideas I'm playing with , So let's here from you before that so I can continue to keep my Makowskys Mojo working.
    Hey Kup , If you're reading this: maybe you should tell everyone about your adult kickball league idea.
    Funny thing about our Bungalow kickball , the whole time no one ever thought to kick soccer style. I've spent endless hours on the soccer field with my sons and it just seems like second nature. We played the school yard version.

  • At 8/30/2006 9:28 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Attention all Boys & Girls ages ?? to ?? please go to the new Posting.
    America's pastime deserves it's own space. So , dust of that old bat, sharpen your spikes and re-oil that old Mitt cause we're about to open the floodgates of all you Baseball junkies.

    Football, alright it's comin , after all it's only pre-season

  • At 8/31/2006 7:37 AM , Blogger Mitch said...


    I didn't know that you suffered from Dyslexia.

  • At 8/31/2006 11:07 AM , Blogger augie said...

    J-E-T-S!! For the last 15 years every Wednesday I get to her my Cuz E and his friend Bob they would spew the wonders of the Jets and the garbage of my beloved Giants. So nice to sit a quietly laugh. The best was the first Giant super bowl win, remember the Jets started 10-0!!! barely made the playoffs and lost to cleveland (?)in wildcard while BIG BLUE was awesome, I still thnik Phil Simms had the best Superbowl ever!!Screw Montana and Young, no one was more accurate. Regarding the Jets,does anyone remember where Joe Walton's finger was often caught on camera?Here's some of my favorite Jet rants. John Abraham is better then Mike Strahan. Pennington is better then Brady, Unitas, Montana. At least when I had to hear Martin was better then Barber at one time it was true. At least we don't have to hear;" You play to win the game" anymore.Jet fans always tell me we were lucky to win against Buffalo when we had the longest best planned drives and time consuming gameplan. Also Scott Norwood didn't kick one field goal the whole year as long as the one we made him attempt. i think Jet fans enjoyed the Ravens Superbowl win more then the Baltimore fans who hadn't established a tradition yet. But, Jet fans truly have excellent tailgate parties, i get to go to a lot of Jet games since the tickets are easy to get. If there are any Giant season ticket holders out there, I'll trade you my oldest son even up(his tuition is killing me)And BTW the Dolphins didn't let the field get too wet,the Jets just sucked!

  • At 8/31/2006 12:04 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    Now we're talking! You are correct about Phil Simms. He had the greatest Superbowl ever. He had an 88% completion percentage by going 22-25 for 268 yards and threw 3 touchdown passes to Zeke Mowatt, Mark Bavaro, & Phil McConkey. Phil was named Super Bowl MVP and was the first player to exclaim that he is "Going to Disneyworld" Carl Banks led the defense that day with 10 solo tackles as the Giants beat the Denver Broncos 39-20.

    Four years later the Giants won their second Superbowl 20-19 as Buffalo's kicker Scott Norwood missed a last second kick ( I always refer to him as Scott Nor -WIDE!

  • At 8/31/2006 5:55 PM , Blogger augie said...

    I knew someone at Sports Illustrated who got me a poster of the SI cover from the Simms superbowl autographed by him. That man had heart and how good was little Joe Morris that year. Meanwhile when we missed an extra point to make the final 39-20 i won a $10 box pool that i also won the 10-9 halftime.

  • At 8/31/2006 9:27 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hey Girls , where are you? Where would you like to gather ?

  • At 9/05/2006 10:12 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Still waiting for your suggestions ladies, unless you want more sports stuff. LOL

    Pick a topic

  • At 9/08/2006 9:17 AM , Blogger Rob said...

    Why is it called men-o-pause if it doesn't occur in Men?

    Men - as in Males
    O - as in Oh crap , not that again
    Pause - as in halt or hold on

    Oh, I know why , it's because it's really the men that are made to suffer. We get blamed for everything.

    Remember , it was Eve's fault , she just could,nt leave things in the Garden alone. She just had to have more. That apple was costly to us all.


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