Makowsky Friends

Friday, November 17, 2006

I'm MAD , are You ?

They had so many great issues and covers. MAD was for most of us 'standard reading' each summer. This one is well represented with some of the greats. Who do you recognize?


  • At 11/18/2006 2:44 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    ...Batman, Superman, Gremlins, Bugs Bunny, Clint Eastwood, Edward G. Robinson, Marlon Brando, Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney, James Caan, Jack Nicholson, Richard Gere, Robert Redford, Danny Glover, Mel Gibson, Sylvester Stallone, Daffy Duck...

    That's all I can see...remember I'm old

  • At 11/18/2006 5:15 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    You forgot Alfred E Newman......

    "What , me worry ?"

  • At 11/20/2006 10:43 AM , Blogger augie said...

    I had every Mad magazine for the whole decade of the 60's, I'm sure it's because my Mom read "My" magazine cover to cover. Spy vs Spy . Berg's eye view, all the parodies. Yeh

  • At 11/21/2006 9:03 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    What about the rear cover folding to reveal another message . Spy vs Spy was cool , never a word spoken , just B & W .

    ACTUALLY , I HAVE APPROX 6500 COMIC BOOKS IN MY GARAGE . Schlepped all of them from NY . I'd love to sell them , all mint condition 1980s & 90s.

  • At 11/24/2006 9:53 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Whatever the medium is ,comics,
    Mad,magazines, baseball cards , etc. It was still reading and provided a medium for imagination and enjoyment.

    The average bungalow probably has AC , satellite TV , internet and a microwave. Not much different than their real home .

    I'd rather be playing sports and exploring the Colony than surfing the web or watching HBO. Interactive meant for us hangin around the luncheonette to all hrs of the night , not playing Madden football.


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