Makowsky Friends

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Handshakes , Hugs & Kisses

Please join me in offering Judy & Steve a Hearty Congratulations on the upcoming Wedding of their daugther Sabreena. She's a lovely young woman & we wish her many years of Happiness


  • At 4/04/2006 11:02 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    Judy and Steve must have been great parents for Sabreena is a wonderful girl.I guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree.At Makowsky's there are so many trees... I recently gave away a daughter,so Steve I know how your feeling right now.Enjoy the party and remember there is one more to plan for.. the reunion... All my love on your special day

  • At 4/05/2006 6:14 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Mazel Tov! to Judy & Steve on this most special day. Here's wishing Sabreena & Jason a lifetime of happiness, health and a long wonderful journey together. My love to all of you.

  • At 4/05/2006 11:22 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Sabreena, if life turned out as everyone planned, there would be an arranged wedding now with my son Jared who you don't even know. LOL

    Seriously, on behalf of the Hutt family, I too join with my fellow Makowskyite's in wishing you and your husband to be, a lifetime of health and happiness.

    Your parents are both very special. They are the original Mickey and Minnie Mouse regardless of what Disney thinks.

    It's hard to believe that you are all grown up with a life of your own and getting married. Steve, does this mean that we all got older too? I sure hope not!

    In all seriousness Sabreena, all our best on your big day. And congratulations to Judy & Steve as they should feel very proud. We all wish you a lifetime filled with special moments.


    Bob, Carol, Jared & Aaron

  • At 4/05/2006 6:29 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    Thanks everyone for all of your kind thoughts and best wishes. We leave for Cape Cod tomorrow morning but this still hasn't hit me yet. I just hope that I can escort Sabreena down the aisle without coming apart. It will be very tough.

    Again, thanks to all.

  • At 4/05/2006 9:17 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Steve & Judy , you're not losing a daugther , you're gaining a 'son'.

    Will he call you Mom & Dad ?

    I guess it's time to turn the page and begin a new chapter. A wonderful one beginning with this Simcha and so many more. Send our Love to all.

    'Simin tov and Mazel Tov'

  • At 4/06/2006 6:42 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Oh My God my little Stevie "Coming Apart?"

    Stevie, believe me, no one will think it strange if you strap your knee brace on top of your tuxedo and hold your glove up in front of your face during the ceremony?

    Now, would we boys and girls?

    By the way, be on the lookout for
    John Beckwith and Jeremy Grey, a pair of committed womanizers who sneak into weddings to take advantage of the romantic tinge in the air, AKA, Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson!

    Seriously, all the best to you and Judy on Sabreena's big day. You guys will be just fine! Let us all know how great the wedding is?

  • At 4/06/2006 8:39 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Judy did you say Color War 2006? Is Zeke on your side?


    Enjoy the big day!



  • At 4/07/2006 10:37 AM , Blogger augie said...

    Congrates, if your daughtet has Judy and Danny Kiviat's gene pool can she make the floats on my colorwar team? Did you teach her the fine art of Lanyard making?

  • At 4/09/2006 10:08 PM , Blogger robin said...

    Mazel Tov Judy and Steve on the marriage of Sabreena and Jason. We look forward to seeing you again at the reunion. Love, Robin & Joel


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