Makowsky Friends

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Greetings to All Friends

I had the pleasure of spending some true quality time with Hy this past week. We were like two magnets drawn together by some invisible force. He & Judy send their love to all and are as excited to see everyone..PS . No whistle , lanyard or clipboard..but notice the cell phone.. holster and all , ready at a moments notice!


  • At 5/28/2006 10:15 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    The Man is still sharp as a tack , more active than most ,remembers stuff we forgot a longtime ago and was just a overall joy to be with . Hugs , kisses flying back and forth and emotions displayed in our eyes and 'on our sleeves'. He asked about so many people and is as energized about us as we still are about him.

  • At 5/29/2006 6:42 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Let me be the first to say... "Hy you look terrific and you will not need a name tag"....It's amazing, I look at the pic and I feel like I'm back in camp again.

    Rob...It's good you wore long visible shark bites when you returned to the office.

  • At 5/29/2006 9:13 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

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  • At 5/29/2006 7:31 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    HY, i guess Mitch and i can't blame the makowsky or the togola water for our lack of hair, because you sure still have it.I do mean that in all sense of the word, you still have it and you look great.Can't wait to hug you and bust a little. Larry

  • At 5/29/2006 9:34 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Hy where's the whistle? We can't tell our HY-ster without his famous lanyard and whistle combo. Hy do you still have it? If so it can fetch a fortune for you on EBAY! It's worth more (to us) than a Mickey Mantle rookie baseball card.

    I'm looking at the photo and saying to myself, gee Rob, when he did his HY-ness become younger than his campers? And Rob your hair it's mostly gone and do you know why? Because of Hy blowing that damn whistle in your ear and his shark bites. It fell out from nervousness that Hy was lurking somewhere in the bushes. Forget the grassy knolls BS not when there was a real Hy around!

    And then I'm getting that queasy feeling worrying about you Rob. I'm saying to myself get away, Rob run for your life. I know that as soon as that photo was taken, that poor Rob was attacked by a Senior Citizen, now that's a laugh, former Head Counselor.

    We all remember the HY-Man's infamous Shark bites when we least expected them. When they did that skit back on Saturday Night Live in the 70's with Gilda Radner when the shark knocked on her door imitating Jaws. Well, the man in the shark costume, yup, it was Hy.

    I still have the black and blue marks on me to prove my many encounters as I am sure that many of your do as well. I wear them as my purple heart. But truth be told, truth, yeah right, it served me well to anticipate sneak attacks, especially when I served in the military back in 1966.

    I remember during basic training a sergeant once asked me how I learned my evasive maneuvers. I responded that if he wanted his troops protected all he had to do was to enlist HY-taki Ozer. He looked at me as if I was nuts? I've been accused of worse!

    Seriously, I too am so looking forward to renewing acquaintances with my many friends and to meet all the new friends I've met on this blog.

  • At 5/29/2006 9:59 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Actually I still do have hair, it's my head thats grown.

  • At 5/30/2006 2:13 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    By the way. I just saw this picture.

    Who's the "old guy" with Hy

  • At 5/30/2006 5:08 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Hey Steve...

    The "old guy" as you referred to is not only the president of the company...he's also a client

  • At 6/01/2006 4:40 PM , Blogger augie said...

    Hy, I believe my father called you a MENSCH and he hardly ever spoke yidish

  • At 6/04/2006 10:07 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Jackie I forgot about Hy's plaid shorts. Seriously, I can't remember any day when Hy wore anything but a Makowsky's Tee Shirt with a lanyard and whistle around his neck. Hy also carried a clipboard and smile on his face, a quick wit on his lips, and an infectious excitement about the days events. He always portrayed this image to counselor and camper alike. He made each of us feel good about ourselves and treated us all as if we were special.

    The truth be known, he never once said, even in confidence, that "so and so" was a pain in the ass. Come to think of it, he never really complained about anyone or anything. And Hy, this is truly why you're so beloved and special to all of us. You performed your job with great pride and always gave everything you had. As we've all learned through the "school of hard knocks" and shed many tears, it's true, that in life, you reap what you sow.

    And Hy our feelings should make you the richest man on this planet. No one could be held in higher esteem, or be more universally loved than you are! Thank you for making Makowsky's our Camelot. As we look back, we realize that without you, none of us could have the wonderful memories we now share. You taught us about compassion, while instilling friendship and love into all of us. I speak for all when I say the common bond we share is we couldn't wait for the next day at camp to come, or for that next summer to arrive. God Bless You!

    Little did we realize, that one day, our "next summer" would never be coming again? Instead, we were whisked away from Camelot and to a grown up place called "REALITY". And with adulthood came responsibilities in all shapes and sizes. It included jobs, marriage, mortgages, and, of course, for some of us, parenthood. As many have learned first hand, it isn't so easy dealing with life's hard knocks as it affected us all to one degree or another.

    But when we had that private rare moment alone, where we could close our eyes and dream about another place in another time long, long ago? Makowsky's, our Camelot, was always there in our minds. It made us realize how truly wonderful our parents were for bringing us all together. The friendships we made, and the bonds we share, can never be taken away from us.

    And to think, that just when we thought this special time was totally forgotten, never to be enjoyed again; thanks to the hardwork and extraordinary efforts of Rob, Larry, Mitch, Judy and Steve, we're getting another opportunity on July 15th. Happy Days may have been a TV show, but our reunion proves that we can go home again, even if it's for just one day.

    And please take notice that I didn't say ONE LAST TIME because it doesn't have to be. It could be the first of many?

    Not many people can turn back time, except for Cher and her multiple plastic surgeries, in the way we're about to do. And that's what makes each and everyone of you so special. This is what Hy taught us when we competed in Color War. Anything is possible, if you work hard and want it badly enough.
    And if you're on the losing side, remember, if you gave you're all you should always feel proud and there's always next summer...

    And, finally, if you close your eyes and listen closely, you can hear this announcement emanating from the Makowsky's General Store...

    "We don't care if you're life didn't turn out as planned, lost your hair, gained too much weight, or are blind and deaf as none of us are there to judge you!
    If you're still breathing, there's absolutely no excuse! So as his Hy-ness would say each morning...



  • At 6/06/2006 9:43 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Mindy, although you may not remember Hy as a Midgie he remembers everyone. He assigned your special counselor as Hy always had the knack for making the right choice.

    He was a true to life Mr. Holland and his Opus and legacy is Makowsky's.

    All of us that were blessed to have him in our lives at some point, and that includes his High School students, can feel the words to...

    Someone To Watch Over Me.

    Hy had that G-d given ability to inspire all of us. He taught us that it's okay to fail, provided we gave it our all; as it's far worse to not even try.

    Who knew while having fun with Hy that we were all learning lessons that would last us for a lifetime?


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