Makowsky Friends

Monday, May 15, 2006

Here's the List ..and it "keeps on growing"

Mitch typed his hands (watch out for carpal ..Kup) off to publish this list as everyone has requested . The response has been wonderful and being in touch again with so many of you has been a Joy . We know our thoughts are echoed by all of you . See you soon..


  • At 5/15/2006 8:18 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    FROM Mitch
    OK! Here it is! I have been receiving emails as to who is coming....I'm glad alot of people want to know. As of now, these are the people that have sent checks for our party...

    Andrew Banarer
    Dave Baskin
    Jodi Baskin
    Mindy Weinshenker-Boerrigter & Tarissa
    Laura & Ralph Bofshever
    Larry Brown
    Helaine Brick-Cabot
    Arlene Castleman
    Alison Schwager-Cerami & David
    Andrea Zierler-Connally
    Bruce Fine & Betty? Penny? Kenny?
    Glenn & Bonnie Fleiss
    Mitchell & Karen Fleiss
    David Florin
    Robin Deutsch-Globus & Joel
    Kenny Gold
    Rob & Nancy Gold
    Susan Gold
    Kenny Goorin
    Gary Herbst
    Roy Herbst
    Bobby Hutt & Sophia Loren
    Ilene Markowitz-Johnston & John
    Stephanie Kupfer-Kampfer & David
    Jeff & Mrs. Keller
    Judy & Steve Kiviat
    Elliot Kramer
    Mitchell Kupfer
    Nona Kupfer
    Joyce Makowsky-Lewis
    Bobby & Mrs Lieberman
    Alan & Pat Makowsky
    Paige Makowsky
    Frieda Makowsky
    Helene Dubofsky-Manas & Mark
    Mike & Kelie Markowitz
    Leslie Rose-Motard
    Caryn Stecker-Newman
    Hy & Judy Ozer
    Sandy Makowsky-Pentalieri & Joe
    Sharon Levine-Richman & Elliot
    Steven Rosenbloom
    Lenny & Harriet Schleifer
    Laurie Schleifer
    Ellen & Rob Shilling
    Susan Shilling
    Gail Shuman & Chad
    Jack & Ronnie Silverman
    Faith Slan
    Filip & Mrs Stern
    Liz Streeter
    Lori Streeter & Jessica
    Steven Streeter
    Carol Brick-Turin
    Shari Baskin-Whitney

  • At 5/15/2006 8:22 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    If there are any changes , additions or whatever, get in touch with us .

    Keep your cool photos coming and stay posted , cause things are going into next gear with some great things planned.

  • At 5/15/2006 10:37 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Just a note....most of you know...but there might be some who do not...

    Judy Chalm-Kiviat
    Ellen Schwartz-Shilling
    Lori Weinshenker-Streeter

    I have known them so long, I tend to forget their original monikers

  • At 5/15/2006 10:45 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    Too funny.......

  • At 5/16/2006 7:28 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Now I have to go to Italy to find Sophia Loren! When are you guys going to take it easy on me?


  • At 5/17/2006 6:07 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Mona....No problem

    Jodi... I agree

    Caryn...Welcome back

    Mindy...I hope you cash in your frequent flyer miles

    Bobby...You are still the best

  • At 5/17/2006 9:03 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    It looks like we have the projector need covered . Thank you Folks..

    Nice Teamwork. This is so typical of everyone's desire to be involved with the revival of friends . You guys and Dolls are great . We've all seem to have let the Genie in the 'Makowsky's Friends bottle out.

    Personaly, I'm enjoying every minute

  • At 5/18/2006 3:19 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    OK....We have another who will attend:

    Eunice Rosenblum-Hogendorn

    Hurry up! time is running short...

  • At 5/18/2006 4:39 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Mitch, is "TIME" Stevie's nickname?


  • At 5/19/2006 7:09 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    I thought it was TURKEY...LOL

    Steve...I must say you are awfully quiet when it comes to zinging Bobby...

    Is that an "age before beauty" thing or what?

  • At 5/19/2006 11:12 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...


    I don't have to say a thing!!!

    I spend a good part of my day COMBING MY HAIR. (you remember that don't you?)

    As for Bobby.......he's been on me for years. Why should he stop now?

    He's been like a brother to me for over 40 years. Some things you get used to.

  • At 5/19/2006 11:25 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    Keep on w/ the follicle jokes and you might keep a certain somebody from attending the reunion...we are trying to get him there remember...'nuff said.... and Johnny Depp...I don't see it (Edward Scissorhands or Gilbert Grape?)

  • At 5/19/2006 11:29 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    You make me laugh...but be careful you don't laugh too hard yourself because you may cause yourself an unexpected subluxation...

  • At 5/20/2006 6:56 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 5/20/2006 8:03 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    You are so "full of gluten" never flung latkes it was always bagel tossing at best...

    and yes... Susie is definitely cuter...

    Also, if you ever saw us together'd think we just left Hutt's bungalow after spinning some 45's

  • At 5/20/2006 11:14 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    By the way,
    Years ago Bobby gave me what was left of his 45 record collection.

    Eventually I had to replace them and download most of them again to my computer.

    BUT, I still play the old 45's on a
    jukebox I have in my house.

    You guys will hear a lot of these old songs at the reunion!

    If your really good, Mitch and I will sing. That will at least sober everybody up!!

  • At 5/20/2006 11:29 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    KIV, im sure we can still have that magic sound, but we we will need all the help we can get.That's right jackie, get those pipes ready, we will liven up the crowd.

  • At 5/21/2006 12:04 AM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    Larry you're right.

    We'll probably sound like rusty old pipes!!!

  • At 5/21/2006 12:14 AM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hey guys , don't go 'Brokeback Bungalow' on us just yet. ...LOL
    Really though, many of us have a certain love for eachother (no matter how warped,ha) that goes beyond the wonderful summers we spent and have lasted through a lifetime of memories...

    So there's my Saturday Midnight special philosophy...Boy , I need to get a life.....What will I do After the reunion?

    Almost time the think of retirement. How about we all move to same community someday? . Think about it...we could all have early-bird specials , play cards ,Golf, hang at the pool , go to shows , etc..all Together as a group..More like a retirement colony. or retirement Camp. Oh well ...just thinking ahead

  • At 5/21/2006 1:26 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    Is that Del Boca Vista?


  • At 5/22/2006 1:27 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    OK ....Here are some more peeps ....

    Michael & Naomi Weinshenker
    Steven & Barbi Bier
    Roberta Olgiati
    Joseph Olgiati

    Thank you all for responding. This is already a success. Can't wait to see you all...

  • At 5/24/2006 12:59 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    OK...add another one

    Sidney Augen & Dan

  • At 5/24/2006 9:19 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Subluxation ? It's a 'Back'Thing..Ouch

    Every summer I would check under our bungalow mattresses...sure enough , a piece of plywood as a support.

    So ,,hence forth . 'Subrelaxation' ?
    No good ? oh well .

  • At 5/27/2006 7:40 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Add another one:

    Steven Augen

  • At 5/30/2006 1:52 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Here are 2 others who will be there

    Debbie Brown & William

  • At 6/01/2006 7:14 AM , Blogger Mitch said...


    I'm beginning to think that Makowsky's has an extraordinary power that brings us back to our roots once again.

    I just think that all of us remember how simple and safe life was back then, and we all would like to experience it once again.

  • At 6/03/2006 2:43 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    The "King of Falsetto" is coming to the reunion! The man w/ many names...

    David, Flash, Zeke, DZ Ezekowitz and his wife Tiffany will be there!

  • At 6/09/2006 1:53 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    We have another late arrival...

    Janet Wagner is on board!

  • At 6/14/2006 2:39 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    OK people...another Makowskian has decided to come home.

    Heidi Fleiss!....No, no... not that one...

    "Our own" Heidi Fleiss...The Netherlands first & now Israel.

    We are now officially... Global...We're Worldwide!

  • At 6/15/2006 1:04 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Jodi & Mindy...

    Don't worry, I have it on good authority that no one outside of the 200 or so Makowsky people will ever see your posts.


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