Makowsky Friends

Friday, April 21, 2006

Candy Counter Attack


  • At 4/21/2006 9:56 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    OK I know I'm missing many other goodies, the list is endless and so are the calories. Does anybody out there still eat thia stuff. Hey Danny , Got any Twizzlers?

  • At 4/22/2006 11:50 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    Get that photo off the blog or at least put in Willie Mays!!!

  • At 4/23/2006 7:04 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

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  • At 4/23/2006 12:48 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    I think The Mick just said " I want my Mapo"

  • At 4/23/2006 7:41 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Mitch what about Yogi Berra who said in his commerical...

    "Me Too for Yoohoo"

    I think Yogi was a better actor than Roger Maris & Mickey Mantle in the most forgettable 1962 movie of all time Safe At Home.

    And since inquiring minds want to know what it was about...

    Young Hutch Lawton brags to his Little League buddies that his dad knows Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris. Forced to "put up or shut up" Hutch goes to spring training camp where he is lectured about honesty being the best policy. He returns to face his buddies with the truth to find the entire Little League team invited to camp.

    Suffice it to say it was the end of their acting careers. Now if only Lenny could have had the lead with Jackie?

  • At 4/23/2006 11:23 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Dear Hy:

    Mitch just wrote to me and asked if I had read your post? I hadn't up until this very moment. Your words really got to me. For what it's worth, I've never worked for anybody who was as kind and influential as you were. You and my father, more than anybody, molded me. I am, who I am, thanks to you.

    I can remember things as far back as when I was five and remember your every word. You teased me no end about Phyllis? Do you remember saying, that if I took her into the bathroom, she'd come out knowing every player's batting average?

    If that wasn't bad enough, one evening while next to your bungalow, with Phyllis sitting on my lap, you demonstrated your sick demented twisted humor when you said..."Bobby pole vault into my bungalow and get me a banana" knowing full well I couldn't get up. Phyllis and I laughed then, and we're still laughing today. How about those insidious shark bites you gave counselor and camper alike? Why do you think Stevie Kiviat needs a knee brace?

    Hy, I've always held you in the highest esteem and so did everyone I've spoken with. You never complained, always took the time to listen, and made all around you feel special!

    Now I did speak to Lenny. He told me about his unionizing at camp and also said that you blamed me for teaching him to speak his mind. Well, maybe a little? I've always had a soft spot in my heart for many of my campers as did you!

    I speak for all of us when I say, we're so sorry to hear about your family crisis. We hope you find peace and comfort in that our thoughts are with you and your family. All of us, camper or counselor, owe a great debt of gratitude to you as a man. Makowsky's would never have been Makowsky's without you.

    As a matter of fact, this Blog would not exist if not for the many friendships instilled by you -Hy Ozer! You, more than anyone, are the common denominator that bonds all the generations together. Please don't ever forget that! Hy, I speak for all of us when I say we truly love you. You were our Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, and Duke Snider all rolled into one.

    With much appreciation,

    Bobby Hutt (drink your milk!)

  • At 4/24/2006 8:16 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hy's comments are in the Makowsky road sign post called 'Further on up the road" .

  • At 4/25/2006 6:35 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Hi Helaine I had trouble finding it myself too, but I did send him a note. It is I'm sure he would love hearing from all of us.


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