Makowsky Friends

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Three of a Kind

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  • At 4/15/2006 4:41 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    It was a nice place, with good food, but it was absolutely a "great time" with the best of friends.

  • At 4/15/2006 9:23 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    As the late great Murph used to say Jackie, after a Met's win...

    "Now for the Happy Recap"

    Jackie, you said it all!

  • At 4/15/2006 9:56 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Two words from the 'Scooter' Phil Rizzuto sums up all thats going on here..."Holy Cow"

    Hey Bob , If this is the way you express yourself on something as simple as a Blog , I can't imagine what you'll be like when we all see each other. I'd better buckle my seat belt and get a box of tissues.. As they say in South Florida "Dios Mio" .
    Way to go Dude!

  • At 4/17/2006 8:43 PM , Blogger Faith said...

    Jackie, Ronnie, Jodi and Shari, I am still working on Audra. I am not giving up. . . I got a room for two and I'm so hoping she'll be there to share it with me. I don't think she can grasp how much we loved and miss her mother. We'll see??

    My step-daughter's wedding is outside of Las Vegas in early May. Gail and I have plans to hook up. Should be alot of FUN! Can't wait to see you all....

  • At 4/19/2006 4:20 PM , Blogger augie said...

    Rob and Ellen, Congrats on your oldest son Matt. My oldest is also Matt, I hope you don't also have a Jeremy and Reed, that would be freaky.
    Jackie, your emails remind me of a few times our fathers would talk shop , especially during the era of strikes. Do you still have your local 8 ID card? Did you father ever land the Monty gig in the summer? I was only kid to ever see his Dad during the week when he worked there.


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