Makowsky Friends

Friday, April 07, 2006

"Sign , Sign everywhere a Sign "

Alrighty then !! Here's another Original .
Courtesy of those 'shutterbugs' Larry & Mitch


  • At 4/07/2006 8:55 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hey guys the sign is tilted , Did you get too close ? Maybe it was that raccon that smacked into it when you came around the bend.. LMAO

    No problem, I touched up the photo, HA

    I know you were excited , but you don't know the old roads like the back of your hand as you used to. !!!LOL

    Actually, the back of our hands now look just like a old road.

    Forgive my warped-ness , it's friday night.

  • At 4/10/2006 4:53 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Just a reminder to everyone....
    The response has been terrific and many people have booked their rooms. However, this is their busy season....We have reserved 40 rooms and I do not want any of you to be left out in the cold. We are above 30 rooms if you have not done so...please reserve your rooms or you might be looking for a spare bungalow that night..

  • At 4/11/2006 10:13 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hey Mitch , Wanna camp out on the Golf course? I heard the 8th hole has a soft putting green with a view.

    By the way , I called the Alligerville Gazette, the want to send a reporter to cover the event. The only problem is they can't find him.


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