Makowsky Friends

Monday, April 10, 2006

Featuring - The Makowsky's Chippendale Guys

Would you believe they're wearing leather Thongs !


  • At 4/10/2006 9:32 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Calling Dr.Howard ,
    Dr. Fine ,
    Dr Howard

  • At 4/10/2006 10:16 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    Rob, some people go to there swimming pools in florida, but we went to the real thing.What we didn't show you werer ther pictures after we took off our leather thongs and went skinny dipping..I will aution off those at the reunion or on e bay.

  • At 4/10/2006 10:44 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Larry , after skinny dipping this time of year in that cold water you're career might be over. Kinda like 'shrinking assets' LOL

  • At 4/11/2006 8:34 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    After all these years, you guys still look great to me.

    I laugh as I remember after a morning at the old swimming hole, Stevie would be whinning:

    "Bobby, the guys don't wanna do arts and crafts this afternoon. It's such a beautiful day. We all wanna play ball."

    And if you close your eyes, you can still see me smiling and responding...

    "Larry & Stevie, grab your gloves and head to the outfield. Mitch you're at first base. Bernie third base. Jackie, behind the plate. C'mon Laurie and Lenny let's go. No Laurie, lose the tennis racket! On the double."

    "Does anyone really want to follow Hy's schedule and do arts & crafts?"


    Bobby, ya know, Hy's gonna be all over you when he finds out."

    Bobby: "Hy who?"...which I always said lovingly with respect and a smile.

    Seriously, you know what? Hy never cared! And do you want to know why?

    Because there were never any complaints about you, my wonderful "Senior Boys" either from your parents, or from ME.

    You guys were totally maintenance free. The very best of the best.

    You didn't bother or pick on anyone younger than you. You had fun among yourselves and really genuinely cared for your fellow campers.

    Of course, you still pulled some silly pranks on one another, but it was always in good taste and that was okay. Those were the days!

    Do you want to know what's the most amazing thing about this Blog for you guys and those who came after you?

    It shows that you still care, love, and respect one another. It was my honor just to be your counselor in what will forever be Camelot.

    Now, if I can only still reach the Jackie with my pitches? Better yet, if I can still see his target?

    I am so proud of all of you. I can honestly say, there was no place else on Earth I would've rather been.

    Thank you all for being you!

  • At 4/11/2006 10:00 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hey Bob , stop horsing around and really tell us how you feel.

    Oh by the way, someone we know has seen Milton's ledger . It seems that your wages for the summer ($75.00 + -) were listed as undeclared income. Better look out,the IRS is cracking down on this. HA

  • At 4/12/2006 6:40 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Rob, shhhhhhhhhh. You mean I had to declare it and file income tax?

    And by the way, it was not $75 for the summer. Heck no! What do you think, Milton was a cheapskate?

    He paid me a whopping $90; plus the bonus. Negotiations? There weren't any!

    As I've said, it was the best job I ever had. As life turns out, I would have done it for free.

    And while reporting me to the IRS don't forget about my bonus? Oops, I let the cat out of the bag!

    That's right, Milton took all of us counselors to Kingston on Vernon's yellow school bus for a delicious Babcock's Ice Cream Soda.

    I still remember Milton sitting down next to me and sincerely asking, "Did you ever taste anything that good?" And what's the cost of that?

    Absolutely Priceless!

    Just curious, did Milton continue to take those of you who folowed me as counselors to Babcock's too?

    When my time on Earth is up, I expect Milton to be waiting for me at the gates of heaven so that he can take me for another ice cream soda.

    For me, he was like a big bear. I will never forget his kindness. Milton had the heart of a lion; he truly did. I thank him so much for inviting all of us into his home...

    Makowsky's Cottage Colony

  • At 4/12/2006 11:35 AM , Blogger augie said...

    Rob , what did we actually make in 69 our first year,my only year as Milton employees

  • At 4/12/2006 4:49 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    I'm the one on the right.

    I LOVE YOU (your comments are greatly appreciated)

    See you all soon.

  • At 4/12/2006 5:30 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Augie , I believe the 1st summer was 75 , then 90 , then whatever we negotiated after that.

    As Passover approaches , my thoughts are of Friday night services conducted by Hy and wine (grape juice) served at the completion by Slim Bier. The Best grape juice I ever had.

    To all reading this : Have a wonderful Holiday. 'Hag Sameach'

  • At 4/13/2006 12:52 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Up until now, I couldn't exactly put my finger on what was so appealing about the Blog.

    As I looked again for the umpteenth time at the photograph of Moe, Larry & Curly, AKA, "My Three Sons", it hit me.

    You know how we all see photographs of Veteran's from Wars gone by and can tell in their faces how much they really mean to one another?

    Well that's true for all of us. Makowsky's was so hidden away in the mountains, if they ever dropped the bomb, believe me, it never would've found its way to us.

    While at Makowsky's, we were totally safe from the sick world that raged on around us. I bet we all wish that our current families had such a place today?

    Back then, we didn't need to lock our doors, or worry about being mugged, robbed, or perhaps worse.

    Of course, Lenny suggested a time or two, that we rape, pillage and plunder just to have some fun. Jackie, Stevie and a few others really loved the rape part; but, the Senior Boys thought about it for about it for a second, but nah!

    See what happens to our minds when we repeatedly lose all those Color Wars to Phyllis? Did you ever wonder what a Silver Saracen does for fun? LOL!

    Seriously, Makowsky's offered a total feeling of serenity in that we were secure with family and friends.

    We have evolved to become extended family. That's the common theme in experiencing life at Makowsky's! Young or old, it doesn't truly matter.

    For example, Rob you were a bit younger than my Senior Boys. So you must be wondering, "Does Bobby really know who I am?

    The answer is, "Yes I do." Not only you, but I remember your Dad and sister too! On occasion, he played ball on Saturday morning with the other fathers.

    I don't know about you, but I couldn't wait for the announcement on Saturday morning for the men to assemble to play ball. Secretly, I only hoped that not enough would come down so that I could play. And yes, I thought I was better than the majority and you must have felt similar. But I also was aware that these were our Dad's and deserved preference. Even when I wasn't selected I still stayed there to watch.

    To me, the best of the best, was Dave Baskin. Not that he was the best player, but he was the one I had the most respect for. Dave wouldn't even know who I am?

    Dave was the Don Mattingly of Makowsky's! When he spoke, I mostly listened out of reverence to him. I was the same person then, but I knew my place. Dave always had that tough guy aura about him. The thing I admired most was how hard he played the game. He was a good man.

    Through this Blog, we are all having another opportunity to get to know one another. It's simply fantastic.

    Thanks so much to Mitch, Rob, Larry, Judy, & Stevie for making it happen.

    I'll stop with this version of War & Peace because I don't want to bore you further. Before I end, I would like to share something that my Dad Dave told me right before he died.

    He said, "Bobby, as we grow older we become more emotional and therefore, closer to God." Truer words were never spoken.

    To my Makowsky family: A very Happy Easter & Good Passover. Can't wait to see you all at the reunion.

  • At 4/13/2006 4:36 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    I guess I'm Moe in the picture...I certainly couldn't be Curly....and Larry is ....well, Larry!

    Judy was right...discretion is the better part of valor...(I think that's the saying) she was the smartest....but it was fun to pose THERE! for that pic.

    Mindy....I truly love you for saying was very nice of you...all of those Weinshenkers were so perceptive.

    Bobby...You truly are one of a kind. After so many years, I realize how great it was to be a "charter member" of Hutt's Senior Boys. Now you have mentioned Dave Baskin as the Don Mattingly of Makowskys...and while that may be true....I always thought of him as Casey Stengel. If Shari shows this to Dave...he'll know what I mean...and I'm sure he'll display that "high pitched" laugh of his.

    Listen Bobby, everyone relishes your scriptures, so indulge us as much as you want... I, for one never tire of it.

  • At 4/13/2006 5:39 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    I recall Dave as being more like Sparky Anderson. He could at any moment kick dirt at the umpire , then say something clever to get us to play harder (and smarter). Who uttered the phrase " Don't get Mad - get Even".

    Dave had no problem blasting Alan Markowitz for not mowing the ballfield grass.

  • At 4/14/2006 10:37 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Shari please let your Dad know my father also felt the same way about him. They were cut from the same cloth. Please tell him Dave Hutt's son said Hi!



  • At 4/14/2006 7:51 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Isn't he the kid born in the Bronx who somehow became a Met's fan?

  • At 4/15/2006 12:46 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Rob found an interesting thing to do on the computer. I thought it was very cool.

    Go to

    It is a virtual topographical view of anywhere in the world.

    In the search window type in Rock Hill Road High Falls, NY 12440

    It brings you to Makowskys...and if you zoom down on an aerial view at 100 will be able to make out all the different areas....note the pool stands out because it is "clear"...

    If you have the time try it...

    If you haven't been to the colony in a while, it will make you feel nostalgic...and isn't this what it's all about.

  • At 4/15/2006 2:22 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    What do you mean 'Old Timers'

    We tried putting the Thongs on Ebay , they were rejected !!! LOL

  • At 4/17/2006 12:31 PM , Blogger alison said...

    Holy shit!
    So sorry to defile the blog during such a religious time, but seeing that view was really cool.

  • At 4/17/2006 8:43 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Nyuck...Nyuck....Nyuck !

  • At 4/18/2006 10:21 AM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    I can't believe that this is how we spend out time.

    What did we do before the blog.

    (I know that I sat on my hammock with an opened book on my lap staring at the isides of my eyelids!!)


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