Makowsky Friends

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

'Challenge' you for the court

Hey where's the stickball box? I think it was on the other side.
Why did some of us change hands with the paddle while some used their backhand. Some weekend warriors didn't use a paddle, just a leather glove.
Does the name Sportcraft ring a bell.


  • At 4/19/2006 8:43 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    OK you Makowsky Maniacs , lets see how good you are. What/Where were the 'markers' for hits (IE , single , double , triple) when playing stickball.

    BONUS teaser :Where's the foul lines?

  • At 4/19/2006 8:52 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Great Shari.....we'll have to tell the Bartender to stay late. ha

  • At 4/19/2006 10:07 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Does Dave think there's a softball game?

    In the old, old days...Dave used to let me or Kiv run for him. Maybe I'll ask Dave to run for me now.

  • At 4/19/2006 10:08 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Better yet Shari....

    Let Sophie run!!!!!!!!!!!

  • At 4/20/2006 9:19 AM , Blogger augie said...

    You guys up on the hill had to be real athletes just to make it down to the desert with those heavy rackets . Is this picture from the pre Adidas days? I can imagine all the fathers in there high top keds, cons and what were the black bottomed paddleball sneakers called?

  • At 4/20/2006 11:03 AM , Blogger Rob said...

    Nona , when it comes to Am Idol , I would'nt know the difference between Ace or the Queen of hearts. LOL

    I'm really not much of a reality TV fan.

  • At 4/20/2006 12:14 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    That picture was taken 4/1/06 by the renowned shutterbug Larry Brown. (There are some other gems that were taken that day...that the "blogmaster" himself... aka Rob has.... and will be showing them in the coming weeks.

    I do remember some "hot" paddleball games...and watching Vic Kaye pretty much beat everyone he played.

    Any truth to the rumor that the area was renamed "Banarer Court?"

  • At 4/20/2006 2:55 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    Up until a couple of weeks ago I had also not seen the place since the early 70's as well. Driving up Rock Hill Road gave me goose truly is a place that has been relatively unchanged. The Bungalows, Luncheonette & Camphouse have shown some wear ( haven't we all ) but the "land" doesn't change and it was as beautiful as I had remembered it. The bungalows were getting a facelift ( new roofs, paint etc. )when we were up there by some of the new owners and they plan to renovate the camphouse into an exercise gym and spruce up the luncheonette.

  • At 4/20/2006 5:31 PM , Blogger augie said...

    I'm pretty sure the bungalow in the background was the Kaye bungalow(#5?) I can see Arleen lining up the mah jong crew to hear/pay Bruce play the accordion

  • At 4/20/2006 8:37 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Jodi, Your Dad has a whole different set of memories than we do. Many of those people are not around for him to share with like we are doing.

    I'm so glad we're doing this now and my only regret is that we've waited so long. I sense that somehow , someway the positive energy from all this will continue past the reunion and for years to come. Unique bonds!

    Hey mitch & Larry ...make sure there's plenty of kleenex at the party.

  • At 4/21/2006 9:22 AM , Blogger Rob said...

    If anyone sends me photos I'll try yo post some of them , Also We are creating a Yearbook that will contain photos and more . So send us your pictures.

    Paddle & Handball are Urban pastimes, that migrated upstate with those that went there. All you needed was a wall and a ball.

  • At 4/21/2006 11:15 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    With Jodi's help we were able to find Bobby Kaplan. That of course lead to Arthur.

    Although Bobby has previous commitments, Arthur said he will try to come. He also solved the mystery as to why he was called Louie. He and Bobby and Bernie Kugler were shooting the breeze one day and decided he needed a nickname. It really is just this simple...his middle name is Louis.

    He did say however when he comes... he will wear his "famous floppy golf hat"

  • At 4/21/2006 1:57 PM , Blogger alison said...

    I took my daughter to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden yesterday, and when I mentioned it to Meri she recalled that you were married there. Is that correct? I think that is so cool- it's so beautiful there! btw, are your parents going to the reunion?

  • At 4/22/2006 1:52 PM , Blogger ArleneCas said...

    It is so wonderful to read all the blog messages and relive all the great times we had at Makowsky's. My family stopped coming up at the end of 1968 because my mother went back to work and I went to college. Then I came back up in 1980 with my husband and 2 boys and I have been coming up every summer since then. When I came back up there were only 30 families left, the rest of the bungalows were empty? My question is: what happened between 1968 and 1980? If everyone loved the place so much, why did your families leave and not continue to come back each year? I can't wait to see everyone in July.

  • At 4/22/2006 6:27 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Arlene , most of our families began coming to the Colony around 1960 and we spent every summer there till 1972. Some stayed there longer. So you can see we had many consecutive summers together along with different age groups. Many significant friendships & relationships continue today , Others like myself found their spouses there too. We are a 'nuclear' family. Anyone of us can go on and on about's in our Blood.

  • At 4/22/2006 7:19 PM , Blogger ArleneCas said...

    I agree, it is in our blood. The place is old, falling apart, the plumbing is bad, the pool has cracks in the bottom, sometimes it's very hot, sometimes very cold, and of course the traffic is sometimes horrible. I live in northern New Jersey, so the trip usually takes me one hour and twenty minutes which isn't as much as a trip from Brooklyn. Yet we have to be there!
    Last summer when I first heard of the sale of the colony, I was trying to contemplate what I would do if I couln't come up this coming summer. Where would I go, what would I do? I couldn't come up with anything. My whole family comes with me. My Mom is now retired and spends the whole summer. My boys, Michael and Brian, Richie and I come up weekends and on our vactions. My daughter-in-law and my 2 year old grandson will spend most of the summer upstate. We're all together, and there is nothing like it. We don't own homes,we don't have a back yard to sit in. That's why we are still renting.
    But it is more than that, there is something magical about the place, we have to be there. I hope when everyone comes up to the colony in July you will not only relive your memories, but hopefully make some new ones.

  • At 4/24/2006 3:43 PM , Blogger augie said...

    When I took my son back to college in Troy a few weeks back I made my usual gas and coffee stop off the Taconic in hopewell junction. Mindy, your mom could really play paddleball


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