Makowsky Friends

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Further on up the road


  • At 3/28/2006 9:15 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    Way to go Rob, now thats a picture we all remember.I think it took me 1hr and 42 mins from the city to reach. I know Silverman,it only took you 1 hr and 35 mins.

  • At 3/28/2006 9:15 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Very few things can replace the adrenalin pumping , butterfly filled stomach felling and overall rush as we approached this sign for the first time each summer.
    On the flip side , how about the feelings of anxiety & sadness and sometimes tears we had leaving at the end of each summer.

    Strong Emotions - Good Friends

  • At 3/28/2006 9:25 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    I'm sure that sign was a sign of refief for all those who were comming to perform for the saturday night show.Driving down those roads they probabbly never thought they would ever see something that said Makowskys.After there performance that night , they would never see it again anyway.

  • At 3/28/2006 9:27 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    I've said this before..."Every picture tells a story" That says it all....the feeling you got when after driving up for almost 2 hours and finally making that turn on to Rock Hill Road...That is the image I wanted to see....and when it finally became a reality....I knew I was back home again.

  • At 3/28/2006 10:09 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    Back to something for us "old timers".

    You know guys, you're right.
    We'd see the sign even before the colony and know we were home again.

    I've been going back for over 45 years and I still feel the same way.

  • At 3/29/2006 9:27 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    What that Makowsky sign really said was...

    "Welcome to Paradise Lost." You're back among family and friends again."

    Don't we all wish we could turn back the hands of time - at least one more time?

  • At 3/29/2006 9:42 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    That is exactly what we'll do on July 15th!

  • At 3/29/2006 3:02 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    The sign isn't really gone. It's not the same one that's in the photo but there still is a sign. They just take it down for the winter.

    Also, you're right. It always took over two hours from Brooklyn. Hell, in thosedays the West Side Highway was still up and running and those last few years you had to dodge the potholes and falling concrete.

    Also, your mom isn't really gone. Neither is Manny, Norma, Joe, my father. they're with us everyday and if we remember them as they were, then they're still here.

    By the way, It's takes about 2 3/4 hours to get to the colony from here in Framingham, MA, about 200 miles away. That's why Judy and I still make the trip from here. It's quicker then trying to buck the traffic and go to Cape Cod on the weekends!!!

  • At 3/29/2006 5:12 PM , Blogger augie said...

    I loved being in Bungalow 1 and pulling in right after the sign, then you could stand outside the bungalow and watch the caravan arrive, it was better then any Broadway Parade. Jody, i'm sorry about your Mom. One bad side affect of the blog is remembering people you forgot and then they ar e gone . That's life. Feel good story. My son surprised me at work. Two buses off RPI students came down to be wined dined by alumni at Goldman Sachs. He was in a suit . maybe he'll buy Makowsky's for me to retire to in 13 years ...when I'm 64!!!

  • At 3/29/2006 8:27 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Never thought of myself as 'gushy'

    Just a 'sentimental man' with great memories and a dash of MLC :
    (Makowsky Life Crisis)

    Why is it called Adirondak chairs if we were in the Catskills ? My initials are carved into many arms of these. Don't tell Freida. (LOL)

  • At 3/29/2006 10:06 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Just a little info...the origin of the Adirondack chair is that it first appeared as outdoor seating for modest cabins, and rustic mountain hotels in the Adirondack Mountains in the early 1900's. I guess that is the same reason why copy paper is called Xerox. Why am I even talking about this?

  • At 3/29/2006 10:16 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    Boy Mitch you must REALLY have nothing to do.

    How come you didn't print the instructions to make one!

  • At 3/29/2006 11:05 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Reading all this sentimentality is making me sad. Remember our parents still live on in our hearts.

    So to put some true Makowsky levity back into the equasion I need to ask Rob a question:

    Rob for our $40 bucks American, are you going to have Cher at the reunion sing "If I Can Turn Back Time?"

    Seriously, if she's not available Lenny S. is. He's been waiting his entire lifetime to sing that song for us?

    If you close your eyes you can see Old Nathan Detroit standing and singing in the rain with his sidekick from Oklahoma, Curly, AKA Jackie S.

    How about a duet guys and gals?

  • At 3/30/2006 5:24 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Hey Rob...
    All those chairs with R S carved in them...and you just let the cat out of the bag...

    Before your confession everyone thought it was Ronnie Silverman...

    Hey Jack...Is there a Statute of Limitations on the books?

  • At 3/30/2006 7:48 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Cher ? Cher who? I'd much rather hear Lenny sing . In fact if Bobby Lieb. is out there, "sit down your rockin the boat" was my favorite.

    I do believe the headliners of the casts of Oklahoma and Guys & Dolls have been on this Blog. What about it you'all , "Encore Please"

    Another thing , why did Hy wear his whistle to rehearsal? LOL

  • At 3/31/2006 6:54 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Helaine, Many of the photos you are longing to see have been posted . Some of them are in the archive section on the right hand column . Along with them are some hilarious and profound comments by the rest of us maniacs.

    I have received the photos . I'm planning to use these and as many as people send me for a photo collage or powerpoint presentation. Stay Tuned, I'll try to sneak one into the blog.
    Can you and Carol send me your contact info.

  • At 4/03/2006 5:54 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    I swear we left at 6AM (zero traffic) and were eating a bagel in New Paltz @ 7:55AM. Larry wanted to make a right turn on Rte 32....and I said "no way" we are going thru town and heading for Mountain Rest Road....we did and it was an awesome feeling going over the mountain once again.

  • At 4/04/2006 6:37 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...


    Mitch and Larry have the snacks covered. I'm working on the music. (I guess the Senior Boys are working on the snacks!!!)

    I know that some people are concerned that they don't look like they used to. Nobody does. That's all cosmetic! You should see Mitch and Larry. We should take up a collection!!

  • At 4/04/2006 6:46 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Steve....still busting 'em

  • At 4/04/2006 11:26 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    Mitch, what did you expect. I'm having too much fun. Besides, I got rid of all of the mirrors in my house years ago.

  • At 4/05/2006 9:24 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    I'm still happy I can look down and still see my feet. Maybe that's because of the light reflecting off my head.

    Hey Larry , better make sure you get enough x large t-shirts.

  • At 4/06/2006 4:52 PM , Blogger augie said...

    Since I've never been slim in my life I've also enjoyed watching as the non big boned wide bodies have caught up and past me by at times. we need that old record they played in school:"pushups every morning ......." Back to music from blogs gone by .
    Rip Van Winkle
    Lil Red Riding Hood
    Winchester Cathedral
    The Freddie
    and please find some Mission Sodas

  • At 4/23/2006 3:04 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hy , So glad you came by ans said all those nice things. Sorry to hear about your crisis, hope all has stabilized.
    Ellen & I will definitely make plans with you and Judy soon.
    I think we all agree with everything you've said and that our memories are identical and still strong. You really should consider publishing your memoirs, an instant best seller and screenplay material. One question , which actor would you choose to play you? Ha

    It must be very satisfying for you to know how many 'kids' lives you touched over the years. In a world that is starving for positive role models , you are among them and on the top of my list. My vote for Nobel prize. I say this not as an attempt to swell your head, rather ....thank you & Judy.

  • At 4/23/2006 3:53 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Hi Hy.

    I'm so glad I checked some of the "older threads" on the blog and was happy to find you there. Yes, I absolutely remember teaching Ross how to play chess. I also remember Lenny trying to unionize the counselors @ TaGoLa, but when we found out who the arbitrator was the movement collapsed. ( I think Selwyn would have capitulated but Dr. Frankel would have been another story LOL )

    I'm so glad you found the energy and time to write, because this blog has missed your presence. Can't wait to see you in July my dear friend...and I know there will be many that echo my sentiments.

    By the way, have you bought a new clipboard for the party & how much progress have you made with your new lanyard?

  • At 4/27/2006 9:00 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    Hi Hy, it's really great to finally hear from our commander and chief.All those years are comming back to everyone and whats nice is that we will all be together once again.I had the good fortune of seeing Hy a few years ago so we did catch up a little bit.I can only say that putting together this reunion has been the most fulfilling thing i have ever done, and the best time doing it.The best time is yet to come for everyone coming,just to be in the house will be the best ticket in town.So anyone who has not joined in do it now, we want eveybody there.To Jackie and the senior boys get ready to pary like it's 1965.

  • At 4/27/2006 11:06 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    I'll try but I'll probably break something!!!

  • At 4/27/2006 11:31 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    Steve, when did you become the Georgie Jessel of the 2000's. Take it on the road,people will pay money to hear you.

  • At 4/28/2006 11:35 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    I have a comment for Hy in which I think I speak for all of us camper and counselor alike.

    Hy, you reap what you sow!

    No man has ever touched so many peoples lives in the way that you have touched us all.

    You are a real life Mr. Holland's Opus.

    Thank you so much for teaching us about humility, compassion, teamwork and family. But even more importantly, about love and respect for our fellow brothers and sisters.

    Because of you, all us Makowskyite's, are who we are today!

    We love you back Hy!

  • At 4/29/2006 1:54 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    It's absolutely amazing to me what this blog has accomplished. So many old friends are now back in touch.

    I was speaking with Kup today and he too is amazed and thrilled by all of this. We asked ourselves how all of the years could slip away so quickly and how so many of us lost touch with each other. I guess that the reason is pretty simple and all that went with it. Now for many of us our children are grown and starting their own lives and families. Our generation has successfully "passed the torch" to the next generation. Now maybe it's the perfect time for us to rekindle all of those special friendships that have never really been lost, but put on the shelf for a while. I know that I am looking forward to it.

    Our love to all of you,
    Steve and Judy

  • At 5/02/2006 12:07 AM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    It's great that you are on the blog. I was glad to meet Paul again and now you are on the blog.

    One of the weeks highlights when we were growing up was when you came up on the weekends and had a trunk full of Archie comics. I bet you didn't save any.

    Take care....
    Steve and Judy Kiviat

    Also you forgot the line
    "hocus pocus try and choke us"

  • At 5/02/2006 12:05 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Stevie had a cheer too and it went like this....

    Rip Rip Ree

    Hit Em In The Knee

    Rip Rip Rass

    Hit Em In The Other Knee

    I'm bad!

  • At 5/02/2006 6:52 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Sol, glad I made your day, but who is this Mr. Hutt? Always Bob or Bobby to any Makowskyite.

    If you really want to laugh, you should see how Judy dresses Steve up in his cheerleader outfit to chant the Makowsky cheer?

    Now that would make all of our days!

    By the way, don't any of you ever forget that my Stevie is the holder of the Makowsky Lifetime Arts & Crafts Award.

    I think Steve was voted that award by his fellow campers for correctly inserting the balsa wood wing and tail into his wooden airplane.

    Of course it crashed on take off or perhaps the rumors are true that Lenny Schleifer shot it down on take off with his pea shooter?

    By the way, Senior Boys, did we ever perform any arts & crafts? Better yet did we ever follow Hy's schedule? Me bad!

    Perhaps if we had, Hy may have let us win one damn color war for our gipper - Stevie? Why the hell did you think he always wore that knee brace? As Stevie now tells the story he was given it by Knute Rockne himself. We just don't know whether he is talking about the brace or his gimping?

    But sadly Senior Boys, your lifetime record with me as your General in Color Wars when pitted against Phyllis is as dismal as the combined Superbowl record of the Vikings and Bills at 0 - 8.

    Is Joe Kapp still chucking for the Vikings? Now if they had Phyllis at QB with Hy refereeing?


  • At 5/03/2006 7:31 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...


    Even if it was everybody against Phyllis, she'd still win.

  • At 5/05/2006 10:55 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Unbelievable story , You've confirmed what so many of us have expressed. Really nice... Liz.

    By the way , how did you do after your conference. ?

  • At 5/06/2006 12:25 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Nona, Liz's story was fabulous and touched us all. We're all sorry you had so much pain way too early in your life. It took a lot of guts to bare your soul. And by the way, Liz you are a fantastic writer.

    We know Hy is special. So special that the movie Mr. Holland's Opus was really about Hy.

    But instead of being a music teacher, well Hy had his whistle? So I guess it's sort of like music, ya think?

    But Hy was best known for his infamous Shark Bites! Bobby Darin wrote Mack The Knife after Hy - not some damn shark! I can see Hy's pearly whites now!

    That's the real reason Little Stevie Kiviat wears his knee brace, and notice, Stevie never has a trace of red?


    But Nona I have a question? If I have to write an essay, can I do it in a million words or less, or just have to finish it sometime in our lifetimes?

    Makowsky's is and will always be OUR never-ending-story of a place called Camelot.

    Can't wait to see everyone!

  • At 7/25/2019 11:49 PM , Blogger tommy Makowskys 1663 said...

    From 1965-67 every consecutive summer we stayed at Makowskys. My parents that took us are dead. But the memories are precious. My sister met her husband one summer when they were both were summer camp counselours. My sister & her husband are now happily married and have a family. Milton and Friend had so much energy back then doing all that they did this was back in 66, /and we were Catholic and my sisters new husband was Jewish. it was a different way of live, no Hatred, No major crime, no crime, no internet--alot of things were simpler back than which i so Godly miss. I am stuck i Florida now. I would give anything to live up there in that same carefree world, when my parents were alive, all of the residents were enjoying themselives and people were more civil to each other. I do no know what has happened o people and their anger towards each other. Gold Bless you wll. Tom

  • At 7/25/2019 11:49 PM , Blogger tommy Makowskys 1663 said...

    From 1965-67 every consecutive summer we stayed at Makowskys. My parents that took us are dead. But the memories are precious. My sister met her husband one summer when they were both were summer camp counselours. My sister & her husband are now happily married and have a family. Milton and Friend had so much energy back then doing all that they did this was back in 66, /and we were Catholic and my sisters new husband was Jewish. it was a different way of live, no Hatred, No major crime, no crime, no internet--alot of things were simpler back than which i so Godly miss. I am stuck i Florida now. I would give anything to live up there in that same carefree world, when my parents were alive, all of the residents were enjoying themselives and people were more civil to each other. I do no know what has happened o people and their anger towards each other. Gold Bless you wll. Tom

  • At 7/25/2019 11:53 PM , Blogger tommy Makowskys 1663 said...

    My comments are true. it back then,,,, was a working mans vacation bungalow colony, the men would work in NYC during the week and come to the country Makowskys on the way home from work on Friday night and we would joyfully go out to eat and do a food shopping and eat at Rainbow Dinner after a drive in theater movie. What a fun time , what a fun SIMPLE time in life it was, i miss it. I wish there was something for the next generation of Makowsksys LBGT Community, but i guess not, I thank the lord for the good times I had as a kid and will take it to my grave.


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