Makowsky Friends

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Excuse me , I seem to have found something

Hey Larry , Does this belong to you?


  • At 5/21/2006 12:37 AM , Blogger Rob said...

    Nothing like the sound of cracklin vinyl or a tonearm needle skipping along a record. The only ones left in use are by hip hop DJs, and they're playing records backwards...ha .
    Digital music rules! including the remastered oldies.

  • At 5/21/2006 1:32 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Hey Rob

    Digital music may rule...but how many kids today know what's on the "flip side?" ....

    They probably don't even know the term flip side...

    What a shame...

  • At 5/21/2006 6:17 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    WOW,almost looks like the 60's again.Although, my victrolla if any one remembers that word,had a fat part in the middle to stack up to 20 records and automacacally change to the next record.that was pretty advanced back then, now almost feels ancient.What is a 45 anyway.?At least we can bring back that pld sound together one more time..Thanks Rob for that picture of beauty.

  • At 5/22/2006 5:09 PM , Blogger augie said...

    I'm curious ,how many people actual ever use a turntable at all now. my oldest son tried to put a record on my super B$O turntable about 15 years ago and broke the arm. Vinyl does not last long in a humid basement.

  • At 5/28/2006 9:34 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    OK you R&R trivia fans , try these brain teasers. These are probably level 2 questions:

    1) what song featured John Lennon saying at the end "I buried Paul" and added fuel to the Paul is dead controversy?
    2) What Rolling stones song signified the end of the 60s generation and resulted in tradegy. Where?
    3) What short lived group of talented musicians featured 2 of the finest guitarist ever? One was a slide guitar master.
    3) Who was the only white band Motown featured in their heyday yrs.?
    4) Who was a lead guirarist for Little Richard that went on to symbolize a generation?
    5) What is Bob Dylan's real name.
    6) Central park was the host of many great concerts and shows . Name the Sponsor. Hint...a beverage

    OK Try these ...Hey Kup , give the others a chance 1st. LOL

  • At 5/29/2006 3:26 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Hey Rob...

    Check your email

  • At 5/30/2006 9:42 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Yo Mitch , it looks like everyone must have slept through the 60s & 70s .

    You are in 1st place.

  • At 5/31/2006 4:50 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    I'll list the answers at the end of the week so a few others can test their memories

  • At 6/02/2006 3:06 PM , Blogger augie said...

    3)Derek and the Dominos was 4 Hendrix

  • At 6/03/2006 11:53 AM , Blogger Rob said...

    Very Good Augie, What about the other questions? So far you're doing well

  • At 6/03/2006 10:38 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Ok All you music trivia nuts here are the answers to this quiz:

    There has been a challenge by one of our contestants and the judges have ruled a correction on Ques # 4

    1) Strawberry Fields (when later interviewed John Lennon explained that he was referring to how he buried Paul with his guitar riffs)
    2) Sympathy for the Devil , Altamonte Speedway (A Sad moment)
    3) Derek & The Dominoes , Eric Clapton and the Slide guitar 'master' Duane Allman
    4) The Messengers (If you said Rare Earth , you were close , they were the 2nd)
    5)Jimi Hendrix(Are you experienced? ...Baby...Oh
    6) Robert Zimmerman
    7) Schaefer (beer) , then Dr. Pepper

    The Winner .....Mitch Kupfer !!!!!

    Stay tuned for Part 2

  • At 6/05/2006 10:57 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Here we go try these .

    What was "the day the music died" meant to signify in American Pie?

    What is Dion's Full name?

    What band did the Blues Brothers Clone themselves from?

    What finale mega concert event signified 'The Band's' final performance?

    Who is Mckinley Morganfield ?

    Still level 2 ...Boogie Chillin

  • At 6/06/2006 6:20 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At 6/07/2006 9:05 AM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    Okay, I'll give it a try

    The day the music died is when my mother dropped our victrola

    His name is MISTER Dion Dimucci

    They cloned themselves from sheep. (maybe booker t and the mgs)

    The concert was the Metamucil concert for the aged

    Mckinley.......easy one
    He was a president that was shot because he left home without his coat.

  • At 6/09/2006 7:09 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Steve , The Metamicil concert was last year . It was part of the Fiber-Fest series of shows. I heard people were 'Running' out of there. LOL

  • At 6/10/2006 7:35 AM , Blogger Mitch said...


    When we were Cadets in 1960, who knew you had this strange sense of humor? Alan Pearlman? Joel Moxon? I know it wasn't me...

  • At 6/10/2006 8:02 AM , Blogger Mitch said... least you got "one" right

  • At 6/11/2006 10:05 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Alright here goes the answers for pt 2

    1) The plane crashed that took the lives of Buddy Holly , Ritchie Valens & 'The Big Bopper' JP Richardson.

    2)Dion Di Mucci
    3) Downchild Blues Band( They are great, try them )
    4)The Last Waltz
    5) Muddy Waters (One of the greats)

    So how did you do ...Once again

    Mitch is still in the lead ,,

  • At 6/11/2006 10:23 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Let's get serious Try these, Come one can any of you recall these British invaders?

    1) What Rolling Stone song , when performed on Ed Sullivan , banned them from future Shows ?
    2)Whose Rock Opera made us all aware?
    3)Which 60s band emerged 20 years later with a hit borrowed from Bruce Springsteen
    4)Who did we meet in a club down in SOHO that drank champagne like cherry cola?
    5)What was Joe Cocker's entourage called during their mega tour.

    Ok Folks get your Mojo Working

  • At 6/12/2006 2:54 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

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  • At 6/14/2006 4:53 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    Muddy waters.........I thought that was the lake!!!

  • At 6/14/2006 5:16 PM , Blogger augie said...

    1) lets spend the night together
    2)the Who
    3)Manfred Mann
    4) L-O-L-A lola by the Kinks Ray Davies rules!!
    5) mad dogs and englishman one of the best double 8 track driving tapes ever!!

  • At 6/14/2006 5:19 PM , Blogger augie said...

    Re the Band i was at the Rock of Ages concert and when they came out for a third encore led by Bob Dylan who was in hiding for about 3 years i thought the mezanine wouls collapse

  • At 6/17/2006 10:31 AM , Blogger Rob said...

    Well it seems we have another contestant who is catching up. Here are the results to the last quiz

    1)let's Spend the night together (Ed wanted the lyrics changed to
    "let's spend some TIME together" he was so pissed off he banned them from future shows, I guess it did'nt effect the Stones career did it?)
    2)Tommy (the who)
    3) Lola (the Kinks)
    4) Manfred Mann
    5) Mad Dogs & Englishman

    Augie , you got them all correct . Maybe the questions are too easy

  • At 6/17/2006 11:00 AM , Blogger Rob said...

    OK let's gear up , get your ya ya's out for these

    1) What Rocker was married to Faye Dunaway for years? What band was he from?
    2)What young actress danced in a Bruce Sprinsteen video?
    3) Name 3 great Blues's KINGS.
    4)How long was Inna-gadda-da-vida? Approx. (Ask Kenny Gold's Opel Kadet)
    5)Whose wife was Eric Clapton referring to in "Have you ever loved a Woman"

    BONUS question
    Who is credited with inventing the Electric Guitar ?

  • At 6/17/2006 12:17 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    These are definitely tougher Rob. Here goes...

    1. Peter Wolf ( Lead singer from The J. Geils Band...a personal favorite of mine)
    2. Courtney Cox ( Dancing in the Dark )
    3. BB King...needs no explanation,
    Ben E. King ( Stand by Me), King Curtis ( A Whiter Shade of Pale)
    4. 17 minutes ( and sometimes the scariest 17 minutes of my will have to ask Kenny Gold at the reunion about that one... lol)
    5. George Harrison's wife. (Pattie Boyd-Harrison) I think "Layla was also written about her as well)
    Bonus. It is either Rickenbacker or Fender...I'll go with Rickenbacker

  • At 6/18/2006 2:32 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Did'nt Ina-gadda-da-vida really mean In the Garden of Eden ? I broke the top of my dashboard once from thumping too hard in one of those 17 minute 'experiences' Don't let my kids know about that one OK ? LOL

  • At 6/18/2006 8:11 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Rob...I believe you are correct about the title. I think the band was in a "drunken stupor" when they recorded it... and decided to leave it in anyway. It was the "sixties".... It really didn't

  • At 6/19/2006 10:09 AM , Blogger augie said...

    The third King is Freddie King an awesome Texas guitar player. In the early 70's Leon Russell formed Shelter records and put out 3 Freddie King albums with classic backup band including Leon on Piano.

  • At 6/19/2006 9:32 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    OK Kup you are good. The 3 KINGS I was looking for is BB King, Albert King & Freddie King. (Augie, I'm impressed you know and like him , he could lay down some wicked licks and his voice was so strong)Ben E King was a great R&B man , but the top 3 are in a class of their own.
    (Hey Kup , Procol Harem did whiter shade....)
    4) too Easy
    5) Right Kup! - good one
    Bonus question- Good try, but it is..LES PAUL, later to be made by Gibson. He began toying with the concept in the 40s , but finally got the chance to record the 1st elelctric music around '52'. Great American hero who never has gotten enough credit.

    OK Stay tuned for the next one ....
    Warning , I'm going to step it up a notch.

  • At 6/19/2006 9:47 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Ok , Try these

    1) Only you know & I know this British Rocker whose songs have been done by many and still tours today.
    2) Who was Meat Losfs Hot partner in Paradise by the dashboard light. (No cheating or looking at album jackets)
    3) Who was the original group to perform "since I don't have you" (OK KIV you should know this)
    4) Who was Elvis's 1st record producer
    5) What all time great radio Jock was the voice for rolaids ?

    Bonus Question
    In what city during their tour were the Doors Jim Morrison'Over-exposed'

  • At 6/19/2006 10:52 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Rob...Augie & I seem to be the only ones trying here goes...

    1. Dave Mason

    2. I know it isn't Phil Rizzuto (lol)...of course it is the very sexy Ellen Foley

    3. The Skyliners ( believe me Kiv, Foot & Jackie know this one)

    4. Sam Phillips

    5. It is "Scottso"..."The Professor" ...Scott Muni I can still hear him now doing things from England on Fridays on WNEW

    Bonus. It is in your home state of Florida in Coconut Grove

  • At 6/20/2006 8:04 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    These are definitely too easy !


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