Makowsky Friends

Friday, June 23, 2006

Attention , We know you have questions

OK Folks now that we are SO close to our anticipated Re-union weekend we're sure you have some questions and want to know "Hey what's goin' on" . Well , here we go: within the few days we'll be Posting exact details concerning who, what & where . In the meantime though leave Sunday open . A special reception/party is scheduled for all of us by Alan & Pat Makowsky. This culminating weekend Finale will be great and bring us back to the place where we all first met.

We want to hear from so , please post any questions you have to US or our assistant. If we're not around , she can help...Better yet , Just ask US.


  • At 6/25/2006 10:22 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Nobody has any questions? That's Unusual for this crowd. Our assistant has resigned. We caught her sleeping on the job , plus her hair spray was causing me to sneeze uncontrolably. HA

  • At 6/25/2006 11:06 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    Well, its almost that time and i can say now that this party is going to be like a 1960s woodstock reunion.There are so many players and so many songs to hear, go get set to bring back your youth and get this party started.So much is planned and everyone is excited to see each other.The blog has been the avenue of communication,but in reality, the party now will take over all the chatter, and people will feel like there in a twilight zone tv show ..The hard work is starting to show and we are getting close to finishing up all the details. Thanks Mitch, judy and Rob hard work does pay off.

  • At 6/25/2006 11:09 PM , Blogger LARRY said...

    Sorry, Steve kiv was to be in my thank yous....

  • At 6/26/2006 6:48 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    The parking situation is this:

    There is an empty field across the road from Alan & Pat's house. Alan told me that we could park our cars there.

  • At 6/26/2006 4:26 PM , Blogger augie said...

    You main kazaans of the blog/reunion truly deserve a hand for everything you have done. Judy you were so incredible running the Parades that I'm sure your book will be better then a HS or college yearbook.

  • At 6/26/2006 5:34 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Hey Augie...

    If you know I know Judy...oh, oh, what a girl...

    Her yearbook is "mint"...It went into publication this week and believe me when I tell you all the "t's" have been crossed as well as all the "i's" been dotted. It is a thing of beauty.

    The one thing I have learned about Judy during this whole process is...she is still much more comfortable with a yellow legal pad in hand as well as a #2 pencil than the keyboard from her PC.

  • At 6/26/2006 9:20 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...


    We thought about getting Vernon to drive us to Makowsky's in a schoolbus but Vrnon's long gone and we couldn't fit into a schoolbus!

  • At 6/26/2006 10:43 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    This has truly been a team effort across the board. We could not have done anything unless the response was as overwhelming as it has been. Providing a conduit for this special group of people is the main reward for me.You guys are great.

    Now with that said, Let's Rock

  • At 6/27/2006 1:25 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Judy...staying with the team effort...

    "So thank you one...and thank you all...a perfect reunion will soon unfold...
    It will be great folks... and don't be late folks...up at MA KOWWWW SKYS"

  • At 6/28/2006 9:55 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Judy, We are in no shape to be bend into pretzels. Waddaya think this is the Kama Sutra? HA

    Well this has been almost as good & in many other ways better.

    Vernon ? He was like this cartoon character in a animated Makowsky memory.

    Also , I forgot..who collected the gelt for the Tues. night escape off the colony to Ellenville ? (oh please,, I've lived my whole life in/with ELLENville..funny how things happen, good thing it wasn't called Margaritaville!!)


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