Makowsky Friends

Friday, June 23, 2006

Promised land or land of promises

Since we're all adults (HA, since when?) with vivid memories still intact , how many of you folks spent time here fishin' , chillin' or just 'making out' ?


  • At 6/23/2006 10:20 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Howdy Roy!

    I believe this is a view from the white Rock. Set back a little.

    I think my Mom told me till I was 18 not to go up there, LOL. Good thing I did'nt listen.

  • At 6/23/2006 10:42 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Cliff who?

  • At 6/24/2006 7:08 PM , Blogger Ira L said...

    It's the cliff.... Many a memory from up there!

  • At 6/24/2006 9:14 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hello Ira, we've not heard from you in some time . How are you? Have you been keeping up with some of the recent happenings? Also , Will you be at the reunion?

  • At 6/25/2006 4:45 PM , Blogger Ira L said...

    Shari: Nope... It's the cliff. There is no mountain landscape from the lake in any direction. & lord knows I spent more time at that lake than anywhere else on the colony.... With maybe the exception of the softball field & Swimming pool. The trail across from the chicken coop is what you would take to get there.

    Rob: I've been here, just not much discussion for me to join in on. I will be up that weekend & will be at the party my Uncle Alan & Aunt Pat are having but I will not be at the resort.

  • At 6/25/2006 8:21 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Yes Mindy.
    Alan & Pat now live in the house that was once the Harris bungalow. The "cliff" is just across the road from their house.

  • At 6/25/2006 10:07 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    OK , how about this , When we go to the colony that Sunday we should take group pictures here (suitable for framing , of coarse)

    OK Folks , time to start those digital cameras, Hey anyone have a polaroid?

  • At 6/25/2006 11:06 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...


    I've got a 'brownie hawkeye" older then YOU!!!

  • At 1/09/2019 10:25 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

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