Makowsky Friends

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Who wants to pitch ?

Here's a recent photo of one of our most famous sporting arenas. @$%&
Thanks Mike M. for this Pic


  • At 6/29/2006 11:42 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Am I crazy or does this seem smaller than I remember?

    Also , was the Basketball rim regulation height?

  • At 6/30/2006 6:28 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    I look at this and I think of one thing....


  • At 6/30/2006 3:21 PM , Blogger augie said...

    Have any of our kids ever even played kickball? If so did they have a tall fence(or 2) to kick over?

  • At 6/30/2006 9:49 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Do you remember that we would have these wooden pins on either side of the box and if the pitcher had just the right 'english' on the ball....
    bye bye. Weren't the bases poles?

    Or how about this..if nobody was standing at the gate doorway and if you were lucky you could slam one thru the doorway.

    My kids played a version at camp called Ga-GA..not the same though

  • At 7/01/2006 6:31 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    I remember the "bowling pins" I also remember running up on the pitch if to hit it before all that "English" took effect on that big red rubber ball so you wouldn't be the victim of a strikeout. But, I do not remember the bases as poles...I loved it when there was nobody in the doorway. What a game...

    "Oh the morning sun is shining like a red rubber ball"

  • At 7/01/2006 12:08 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Yeah you are right Jack....but you know what?....even with us playing in front of Sylvan's bungalow... it still wasn't deep enough for Mike Hersh....he probably could have kicked it to Rock Hill Road...The "Automatics" were no challange to him...he'd rather hit it to left field and then "walk" around the bases for a roundtripper...what an athlete he was...Do you remember how he'd try to kill us in Dodgeball? Hutt will tell you that he tried to murder us in the gym with his throws.

  • At 7/01/2006 11:28 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Nobody could whack a ball more than Joel Bofshever. When he got up no one played the infield.
    I spoke with him recently . He lives in Fla. not far from us. We hope to get together with him Post-reunion.

  • At 7/02/2006 10:55 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...


    Better then what? Bazooka or Double Bubble?

    I don't think that the kickball court was a tennis court. I think I remember it being used for Volleyball. The poles were pretty high I think. That court is so old I don't think tennis was invented yet

  • At 7/04/2006 12:17 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    Hey guys!

    Remember that we only played kickball for the first three weeks of camp. After that we had already put holes in all of the pink kickballs and Milton wouldn't let us replace them.

    What happened to the two bowling pins that we used to use?

  • At 7/05/2006 9:44 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Dark red ....voit, When those ruptured we'd use the durty white newcombe balls.

    The hardest thing to come by was a pump needle


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