Makowsky Friends

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Happy Healthy New Year


  • At 9/20/2006 5:28 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    That's funny????
    He doesn't look like "Satchmo"!

  • At 9/20/2006 9:56 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Steve, he may not be Satchmo but the 'music' coming from the Shofar is much sweeter .

    And with that in mind , Jody is so right . Count how many significant lives are together again .

    At the same time we must not forget those that we've lost this past year: Friends and Parents. We pray for peace ,tranquility and health.

    Ellen , Rob & the Boys

  • At 9/21/2006 8:49 AM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    It's always wonderful to have your extended family back together again. You folks are the greatest.

    Happy New Year everyone.
    Steve, Judy and Sabreena

  • At 9/28/2006 5:58 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    A Happy & Healthy New Year to all my Makowsky family and friends. May the new year be blessed with health, peace, and happiness for all. Seeing all of you at the reunion was the highlight of 2006.

    Oops sorry Hy. Make that 5767. Ma nish ta nor...



  • At 10/02/2006 5:46 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hy can probably 'daaven' with the best


    May we be inscribed for a good year.


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