Makowsky Friends

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Where will it all end

Just when you thought gaming has reached it's peak, something new comes out. I hear reality and game are almost identical. I dare anybody using this to try a pinball game instead.


  • At 11/22/2006 6:01 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Can you believe people are camping out days outside the stores for this . There have been riots.

  • At 11/23/2006 9:35 PM , Blogger Ira L said...

    You wanna hear something I find a bit funny & Ironic? Well I'll tell you all anyway.....
    I just turned 40 Nov 6th & celebrated my 4th Yr. Wedding Anniversary on the 17th & my son will be two in January. It was no big deal to me,I didn't think much of it in years!
    But then I realize that it is now the longest period of time since the Mets have won a W.S. than it has ever been in my lifetime... Not to mention I check out the blog every couple of weeks and realize from reading the posts.... That the world I grew up in was such a great time. I love the memories of the simple life I once had. I remember camping out... on the lawns of Makowsky's (not on a line for an arcade game) that's what the casino was for! LOL
    Sad part is, my son (Ethan) will never be able to experience the pleasure I had grownig up as a kid at Makowsky's, for obvious reasons... I guess reality has finally hit home!

  • At 11/24/2006 4:14 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Once upon a time there was a pinball wizard. He was very good and played by intuition , I've never seen him fault.

    Maybe his bumpers are a little softer or his flippers not as fast , but he still gets my vote as best:

    Steve K

  • At 11/26/2006 4:58 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    Hi to all!
    Thanks Rob!

    Since Judy and I got married, we've always had a pinball machine in my home. You know I collect old 45's and we have an old jukebox to play them on.

    But I have almost 2500 songs on my mp3 player that I now can't be without.

    But even with all that, the KNOCKS were best and the music sweetest in the luncheonette!


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