Makowsky Friends

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Cafe is now open

OK Folks , the Cafe is officially open. Here we have an open forum dedicated to just about anything you want to speak about (except sports). Contoversy is OK , but keep it R-rated. So grab your espresso or favorite Java and come by .


  • At 9/16/2006 11:02 AM , Blogger Rob said...

    Did you know legend has it that coffee was discovered by a sheperd named Kaldi . He noticed his flock of sheep were acting peculiar after eating what is known as 'coffee cherries'. The rest is history.

    Quick quiz: where is the only place coffee is grown in America?

  • At 9/16/2006 12:55 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...


    If the luncheonette looked like that we never would have left.

    I wonder if "Foggy Bess and Sid" run this place???

  • At 9/16/2006 4:51 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Yes , Hawaii is correct...

    Another coffee tid bit: there is more caffeine in a cup of regular coffee than a shot of espresso.

  • At 9/17/2006 10:59 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    There is a coffee house named "Kaldi's Korner" with animated dancing goats inside...I now know why....Rob, you are the new present day Mr. Wizard.

  • At 9/17/2006 8:01 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Did you know that the original cause of the Boston Tea Party was a result of England banning coffee shipments to the Colonies? In it's place was tea and along with it additional taxes. The result , the largest 'pool' of iced tea in New England. LOL

    Fact not Fiction !

  • At 9/18/2006 5:58 PM , Blogger augie said...

    Chock Full of Nuts is still a "Heavenly Coffee"
    but the secret is through some cinnamon in the filter and almost any brand will taste OK

  • At 9/18/2006 9:28 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Did you say Chock full of nuts? OY VAY. They are called in trade circles 'chock full of rocks'..true

    Chock full of nuts is just a name Sara Lee uses inorder for them to still have the retail shelf space in Supermarkets. Just like Savarin , Chase & Sanborn & others. It's all a merchandising tactic by the large food producers.

    Chickory is a root found in certain Southern States.It was originally used as a filler because coffee was in short supply. It is still popular today.Limited to a small group.

    Mindy , the Scandinavians lead the world in per cups/day. the Dutch are not far behind. Wow, Dowe Egberts must rule where you are.

  • At 9/18/2006 9:28 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    Have any of you out there tried those "One Cup Coffee Brewers?" such as Pod Brewers, Tassimo or Keurig?

    They make a terrific cup that is perfectly brewed. You can order scores of different flavored coffees. We have one at home and just love it.

    Best of all, there is no cleanup, just toss away your Pod, or K-Cup when you are done.

  • At 9/18/2006 9:38 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hey Mitch , How long ago did you toss away your POD ? I think I'll call you K-Kup.

  • At 9/19/2006 7:46 AM , Blogger Mitch said...


    It's a good thing I tossed away my "Pod" and not my "I-Pod"

  • At 9/19/2006 1:51 PM , Blogger augie said...

    remember when espresso was called demitasse(I can't spell) with some anisette ,not sambucca

  • At 9/19/2006 3:04 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    The waiter comes up to Ralph Kramden and says..."Tea, Demitasse?"....

    Ralph replies..."I'll have neither, just bring me a small cup of strong coffee"

  • At 9/19/2006 10:53 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Babka ? , Coffee Cakes, pastries ? I'd rather eat bread and cake than food. Give me a freah loaf of GOOD bread with garlic butter , and I'm in heaven

    Here's one that I love

    Pecan pie , Warmed , scoop of vanilla ice cream . Wait 1 minute (if you can) let the ice cream melt into all the cracks of the pie.....Attack

  • At 9/20/2006 9:51 AM , Blogger augie said...

    Any Dunkers out there? I'll take that well toasted anything for a nice dunk in some good Joe. My father taught me well and to see my son Reed dunk his oreos or donuts in milk ,i'm all verklempt over here

  • At 9/20/2006 10:05 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Don't you just hate when you are dunkin and it breaks off in your drink. LOL Can't wait to show that to my grand kids....actually on 2nd thought I CAN wait.

    I now love dunkin biscotti in espresso, Years ago it was oreos and milk.

  • At 9/21/2006 4:48 PM , Blogger augie said...

    except for my Chock Full of Nuts' we buy most of our coffee at Peurto Rico on bleecker off Sulivan and 6th Ave. best beans and prices in NYC

  • At 9/21/2006 10:06 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    There used to be bavarian fingers , chocolate wafer & filling.. I Loved this, but it was discontinued . Someone copied it and made a low fat version that tastes like brown sawdust. Dunkin chocolate cookies makes the milk chocolate.. Yum

    I can't believe I'm writing about this

  • At 9/22/2006 6:02 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Is that the place that has all the open sacks of roasted coffee? If so , I've been there with Cody. Cool place

  • At 9/24/2006 5:24 AM , Blogger augie said...

    Roib...yup, just bought Auggies blend last night which was a store on Thompson PR bought

  • At 9/24/2006 9:20 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Here's a few more 'Coffee Hints'

    Never store ground coffee in the Refrigerator or Freezer. The oils in the coffee , which give it it's pleasant qualities dry up from the cold. Let's not forget ground coffee has the least amount of fresh shelf life than grinding the beans as you need it. Store ground coffee in a air tight container away from light at room tempature .If you must : beans can be put in the freezer.

    Coffee has 2 main enemies , heat and oxygen . Both of these will deteriorate the coffee rapidly, so if using a brewer with a warming tray and glass bowl...drink it soon , or brew into a insulated thermal.

    More to come !!!!

  • At 9/24/2006 9:48 PM , Blogger Mitch said...


    Remember Ricardo Montalban who was the pitchman for Savarin Coffee.

    Well, I think you should wear a light beige suit and fedora. This way we can call you "El Exigente"

  • At 9/26/2006 9:42 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Here's some interesting and trivial facts about Juan Valdez ...

    There have been many that have portrayed this advertising mega-success. The 1st was Jose Duval.
    As for the donkey , I think the original has paid a visit to the local taxidermist and now precedes in the Lobby of the Colombian Fededration of Coffee Growers.

    The most interesting concept of this marketing is that it represented a vast region where coffee is grown , not a particular company. Juan's face is part out their logo as well.

    Where as Colombia does make some fine coffees , we have been 'programed to believe it is THE coffee of choice. AAAAHHH Positive Perception thru clever advertising.

    Buen dia amigos

  • At 9/26/2006 11:24 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...


    All this time I thought that it was Pablo Escobar who was the pitchman for Columbia!

  • At 9/27/2006 9:16 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Wasn't he the little guy in the fritos Ads?

  • At 9/30/2006 11:20 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Do what works for you. Just trying to keep the dialogue going

  • At 10/01/2006 9:00 AM , Blogger augie said...

    What I hate. I drink my coffe black. So last week get my bagel and large coffee for ride up to schenectady NY and when I hit the FDR it's a lite and sweet .How does the word Black from my loud mouth = regular. Good thing I stopped for Gas on Palisades

  • At 10/02/2006 5:41 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Nona , I've been in the Coffee Biz enough yrs and in every aspect of it : from cupping green coffee (coffee prior to roasting) to repairing brewing eqt. ...and everything in between.Much of my knowledge is a 'blend' (ha) of what I've learned on the Job and on my own. I'm passionate about it and maybe a little obssessed (a little?). So if I can pass along any info that's interesting or useful I will.

    I guess you can say my career has it's 'perks' but is a 'daily grind'. LOL

  • At 11/03/2006 9:58 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    OK OK I know nobody comes here anymore because I'm a Coffee-Snob, so let's try another cafe beverage , how about wine? I hear all these stories about how red wine contains anti-oxidants and other good stuff , why only red wine?


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