Makowsky Friends

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Cruisin' for a bruisin'

For those of you that haven't been on a cruise, it's an experience , for those that have , let's hear from you. What a great place to have another reunion , think about it !!!!


  • At 11/30/2006 10:01 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Ellen & I took the 3 boys on a cruise for our Anniv yrs ago. It was great , they loved it . Good thing all food was included.

  • At 12/01/2006 1:05 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Rob, I'm with you in that I love cruises too; provided, it is first class and in season.

    Otherwise, it can prove to be a disaster as a few of my friends found out the hard way last year.

    It was so bad in fact, that they had to take a private helicopter back home as the weather was simply awful.

    If done right, it is a memory that lasts a lifetime and a fantastic great idea. Takes a lot of planning.

    Any chance Hy makes Lenny, our Captain Jack Sparrow, walk the plank? After all it would not be such a stretch after making him stand in the rain.

    In case anyone doesn't know it was really Lenny who coined the phrase in Annie, "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow"


  • At 12/01/2006 9:40 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Cruises have evrything you can possibly want . Each time I've 'sailed' I've seen other groups having an absolute blast.

    Hey Kup, my 4 favorite things.

    The places we've seen have been nothing special (IE nassau, freeport, czumel) The Grand Caymans are beautiful . I'd be happy just to stay on the Ship. They are like massive floating hotels and have everything.

    Can you imagine 20 - 30 of us on a cruise. Warning ...the midnight buffets are awesome.

  • At 12/02/2006 6:27 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    A few years ago, Lynda & I went cruising. We flew down to Miami and went on a Mexican cruise with stops in the Keys, and then Cozumel.

    The waters were very rough in Florida. (It was March) It took Lynda 2 days to get her "sea legs"

    After that it was terrific, although I threw away my scale after that trip.

  • At 12/02/2006 7:48 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...


    Boats are only good for fluke fishing!

  • At 12/03/2006 7:58 AM , Blogger Mitch said...

    I know this is a "cruise thread" but, here's a thought....

    The Yankees just instituted their new ticket policy for 2007.

    Instead of paying $400 for a prime Yankee about....

    Flying down to Tampa round trip ($140)
    Rent a car for the day ($45)
    Buy a good seat at a Yanks/Rays game ($8)
    Enjoy a good steak dinner ($50)

    That still leaves you with $157 bucks!

  • At 12/03/2006 7:41 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Yo K-KUP, I'll meet you in Tampa.

    Hey Steve, for me if I catch anything, it'll be a 'fluke'.

    I know this guy whose company makes and customizes luxury yachts. They're awesome. The average basic cost is $100,000 per foot. You do the math.


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