Makowsky Friends

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Flames are still glowing

Wishing all my friends (more like family) a wonderful Happy Channukah

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  • At 12/11/2006 1:51 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    I echo Judy's eloquent words as it was so wonderful to go back in time and visit with so many great friends. The thought of that special weekend still burns bright in my Menorah of a Mind as who needs candles? LOL

    To all of you and your loved ones my sincere wishes for a very healthy and happy holiday season with all the best for a Happy New Year.


  • At 12/11/2006 8:19 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Just as oil was the fuel that kept the Channukah candles burning , so is the fuel that keeps our memories , lasting love & friendships burning.

    I have a question :

    Do you like your Latkes with apple sauce or sour cream ?

  • At 12/11/2006 8:31 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Rob you are going to faint dead away. KETCHUP!

  • At 12/12/2006 4:06 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Yup Nona, Ketchup in the chicken soup too.


  • At 12/12/2006 9:25 AM , Blogger augie said...

    My 8 year old son Reed loves ketchup. my favorite of his: Lox and ketchup

  • At 12/12/2006 6:28 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Jodi did I mention that I love ketchup on my scrambled eggs too.


  • At 12/12/2006 6:51 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    This holiday season now seems extra special....

    With friends like you all, this makes every moment of Chanukah a "Grand Celebration" for me.

    Happy holidays to everyone, and best wishes for a happy & healthy New Year.

    By the way, my preference has always been applesauce.

  • At 12/12/2006 10:21 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    I like mine cripy and on the thin side. I also like both sauce and cream, but it depends if I'm having 'flanken' or chicken .

    Is this wierd or what?

  • At 12/12/2006 10:25 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Hey Bob, ketchup on eggs are loved by many . What about tabasco on eggs?

    I've seen this done many times statewide at Denny's. Must be a southern thing.

  • At 12/14/2006 1:13 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    Susie, I do love Sour Cream on Blintzs, Borscht, Strawberries and Bananas.

  • At 12/14/2006 1:28 AM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    And Rob, although Florida is nice and hot and does warms them bones, remember with Global Warming we don't have that much snow any longer.

    You may have those EARLY BIRD SPECIALS DOWN THERE, BUT......UP HERE in the NYC region we still have the best bagels, lox and creamcheese; pizza, Lemon Ice King of Carona, steakhouses, gyro's, Chinatown, Little Italy, Museum's and, of course, Broadway to keep us all nice and toasty on a cold winter's day.

    AND NEW YORK IS OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY so when we get those urges...

    And by the way Rob, Stevie Kiviat wants to know, if you're not using your snow shovel, snow blower, gloves, scarf, ear muffs, and snow tires any longer, can you please send them up to him up in frigid Boston???

    And Stevie said he accepts all volunteers to help him dig out his driveway.


  • At 12/14/2006 8:30 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    We agree with your "NY state of mind" Bob, especially Ellen .

    You can take the boy outta the city , but you can't take the city out of the boy.

    Anyway , South Florida is just like 'NY South'

    PS- I still have my faithful leaf blower.


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