Makowsky Friends

Monday, December 11, 2006

Show us your card

Do you know what's in your wallet ?


  • At 12/12/2006 6:28 PM , Blogger Mitch said...

    I hate to say this, but everytime the offer comes in the mail to become a member...

    I throw it away.

    Am I in denial or what?

  • At 12/12/2006 10:18 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    'denial' ? , do you mean that river by Egypt?

    Hey aside from them being rich n famous , what do they have that we don't ? LOL

    Come on Kup , for $12.50 a yr it's worth it for the discounts. thousands of other 'schnorrers' like us do it all the time. HA

    Did you see recently in a news report that the largest targeted group of boomers are the 50 + . Advertisers love us.

  • At 12/13/2006 10:34 AM , Blogger augie said...

    Rob, the minute you moved to Florida you became about 20 years older. Us northerners don't get old we just get cold. don't forget your hot water bottle next time you come north

  • At 12/13/2006 9:01 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    You know what old and strange feels like? I went to a movie and for the first time ever I said Senior Citizen please. It felt very strange indeed.

  • At 12/13/2006 10:15 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    Yo Augie , looks like you'll be needing the hotwater bottle more than me . Don't forget it while you dig your cars out of the snow. LOL

    I really miss the feeling of stepping into slush rivers on street corners.

    Sorry Folks , I'm just not a cold weather person anymore. Aside from hurricanes I'm outside everyday , I'd rather fry than freeze. HA

  • At 12/14/2006 10:07 AM , Blogger augie said...

    Rob, i still totally love NYC but i will admit that in the last 3/4 years I'm shedding my polar bear coat and I'm learning why old timers like...YOU do move south. Meanwhile not only does my huge son walk around Troy NY in shorts in the winter but so do lot's of skinny guys and coeds.Enjoy your weekeend, someone was really pysched up last night at the card game.


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