Makowsky Friends

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Seasons Greetings to All


  • At 12/25/2006 1:40 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    The fact that you remember all these things and recall them with such clarity , fondness and deep meaning is a wonderful tribute . It is beautiful that you said these things and were (and still are )part of them all.

    Have a great holiday , Shalom

  • At 12/25/2006 3:07 PM , Blogger steve kiv said...

    What a wonderful sentiment for this Holiday Season.

    I have a huge smile that I want to thank you for.

    I also want to wish you a wonderful Holiday Season to you and your family.

    All the best

  • At 12/31/2006 12:05 PM , Blogger Bob Hutt said...

    To My Makowsky Family:

    As we leave 2006 behind, all my best to you and your family, for peace, good health, prosperity, and a wondeful New Year.



  • At 12/31/2006 10:39 PM , Blogger Rob said...

    A Toasts to all my friends...for a Happy and Healthy 2007.

    Yuz guys are great !!!


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